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The Janitor

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Status Updates posted by The Janitor

  1. Treat a woman like a person, and then a princess, and then a Greek goddess, and then a person again.

    1. Ms. Tatiana 💋
    2. The Janitor

      The Janitor

      Hello po okay naman :)

  2. Truth is like poetry. And most people f*cking hate poetry.

  3. We are living on a giant rock. We are flying through space, and no one knows anything. School makes you think they have the answers, but they don't. No one does.

  4. We can't change the direction of the wind, but we can adjust the sails.

  5. When my dream comes to an end, I would do it all again.

  6. When real men do what they're supposed to, it's not always about what they want.

  7. When you're up there hundreds of people will claim you as a friend. When you're down, you're lucky if one will buy you a cup of coffee.

  8. You move with the times, or the times moves you.

  9. You think you're so important you put your finger in a bucket of water, you pull it out, you see how fast that hole fills up. Everyone of us is replaceable.

  10. You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it.

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