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Locked and Lock

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Posts posted by Locked and Lock

  1. I am not political but these days the impact of politics is graver as it can literally mean life and death for millions. Every world leader or community leader is affected by the pandemic and this will separate the men from the boys.


    Let us see what has been done right in the Philippines

    1) declaring the lockdown early

    2) having the political will to continue the lockdown knowing that the country doesn’t have the resources to battle covid if it spreads uncontrollably


    Things that were done wrong.

    1) corruption - i would bet my balls many got rich. corruption is inherent but maybe at this time moderating it for the people is needed

    2) weak cabinet - i look at the people in cabinet and how many can we say are really Good? A world call? The best and the brightest? Even if we assume the president is brilliant as many of people believing in him claims, still he needs a good bench to win.

    3) double standard - every press briefing the president curses at violators and NPAs. I agree with his anger towards them. However, where is his anger when his people violates the very rules he has imposed. The police general party, the kokovid, the mocha... the list goes on. If others violated the law death to them but if his people violate the law compassion please. We lead by example not by fear.

    4) the masa also appears to have deserted him. His support comes from this block yet it is this block who is mostly violating the quarantine. Maybe out of necessity which I agree but they could have practiced a little caution in public as well.

    5) refusal to listen. We have the freedom to speak and think. However anybody who disagrees with his rules are considered traitors or dilawan or communists. Nag agreeing on a couple of things doesn’t mean being against on all things. The government is not God and like all mortals is capable of making mistakes which people should point out and they should learn from.

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  2. In general taller women are more elegant... stereotypical beauties are the tall slender ones. Personally i prefer tall but with some curves.


    In bed... still have to do a side by side buy i doubt if there will be any difference.


    Taste is subjective so you can always be beautiful to someone’s eyes. Inner beauty is more important.

  3. Grey... People try so hard to define the world in black and white but for the most part the world is grey. As they say the truth is usually something in between.


    Lately... i’ve been liking the color Orange. Maybe it is true that Orange in indeed the new black but for me Orange gave me hope and something to smile about. The sky turns orange every morning promising a good day ahead.

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