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Mami of Kyoto

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Status Updates posted by Mami of Kyoto

  1. Good evening pm us on viber 09152007062 for more info kidlat promo!!!

  2. Available NEW barbies line up please viber 09615374777 for more photos and details

  3. Hi available mga barbies today for outcall line up viber 09615374777 more pictures and details

  4. Open for early reservation mga gm send you all details by viber 09615374777 more NEW barbies line up

  5. Yehey gcq na bukas open na ulit..reserve your's na mg gm more new barbies on line up viber 09615374777

  6. Hi gm's Newbies on line up check our available barbies today viber 09615374777

  7. Hurry!!!hurry!!! Barkada promo weekend all discounted for barbies palaban...ARAT NA mga GM VIBER 09615374777

  8. Fresh Newbie on line up viber 09615374777 bulong ko sainyo

  9. Promo!!promo less 1k for barbies palaban q.c. area only viber 09615374777

  10. Promo!!promo less 1k for barbies palaban q.c. area only viber 09615374777

  11. Promo!!promo less 1k for barbies palaban q.c. area only viber 09615374777

  12. Promo!!promo only today less 1k for barbies palaban q.c. area only viber 09615374777

  13. Promo!!promo only today less 1k for barbies palaban q.c. area only viber 09615374777

  14. Monday promo!!! Promo!! for ms.mayumi and toshini less 1k reserve your's viber 09615374777

  15. Open for early reservation mga gm send you all details by viber 09163656080 more barbies line up

  16. Hurry!!!hurry!!! Barkada promo weekend all discounted for barbies palaban..viber 09163656080..ARAT NA mga GM

  17. Updated line up viber 09163656080 outcall barbies palaban

  18. Open for early reservation mga gm send you all details by viber 09163656080 more barbies line up

  19. Open for early reservation mga gm send you all details by viber 09163656080 more barbies line up

  20. Barbies palaban lineup..viber 09163656080

    1. edwardseie


      Can I ask of your details and promo and pics as well thank you.

  21. Grab our Promo..promo less 1k barbies palaban viber 09163656080 1st cum 1st serve

  22. Grab our Promo..promo less 1k barbies palaban viber 09163656080 1st cum 1st serve

  23. Newbies barbies in the house viber 09163656080 all NMILF barbies palaban availables..

  24. Hurry!!!hurry!!! Barkada promo weekend all discounted for barbies palaban..viber 09163656080..ARAT NA mga GM

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