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Queen Darkeinjel

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Queen Darkeinjel last won the day on September 9 2016

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  1. are you sure that those are the thoughts running through my mind? or am i just messing you up and making you think that it is?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      Hahaha. Villain most probably. A manipulative bi@tch. It's a talent that I have gotten to hone over the years. =) The hubby says that I do have the talent for it. hahaha


    3. p-colossus


      Lol, I love talking with you, DE! It's a breath of fresh air with you and Coffeeholic. And you both talk just like my partner too, haha! Women that can hold conversations are gems. You guys are a rare breed nowadays, or I just don't get to encounter your kind that much. Bless you girls.

    4. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      It's same with men, those who can talk the talk and walk the walk are a rarity. Thanks for the compliment. I do take it that is a compliment, right? Hahaha. A lovely evening to you and yours.

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