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Posts posted by mochafrap6750

  1. well u should know what you sell right? ;)

    but seriously... that's just the main reason why I am delaying my purchase

    I can't seem to get adequate info on the IPhone...

    I was suppose to purchase the IPhone just last weekend and my mindset was to buy the 16GB

    then off he goes telling me that there's no software for the message forwarding and caller ID

    so I once again postpone my purchase... tsk tsk!



    there are 3rd party applications that can be use in order to forward messages to single or multiple recipients =)


    no offense to certified nokia users, but iphone is far better than nokia and other phones in the market (well as of now)


    i'll be posting some screenshots of what you can do with an iphone para naman ma convincing =)

  2. thanks for the clarification bro! this will indeed help me out whether or not I will pursue purchasing my Iphone this xmas!




    thanks for the help... just some clarification though

    I won't be encountering any problem once I install these 3rd party applications right?

    where may I download them? can u suggest any site? thanks!


    hi bro,


    1. as much as the installer.app installation is fine, you won't be encountering any problems downloading, installing and using these 3rd party applications.

    2. the installer.app should be installed using your sync cable and your pc. the 3rd party applications can be downloaded via wifi once installer.app is already installed on your phone.


    no sites needed because the installer.app itself keep a repository of these applications. so you just have to pick and choose what to install.



  3. im not lifting my own chair, but wud u believe guys that i was an officer way back then.. i worked so hard to be with the COCC and took the risk to be a CAT officer.. one of the happiest moment of my life when i became S3 which is one of the highest rank in the chain of commands... hays.. i wish i can turn back time.. all i can say is sarap maging officer.. in our school before most powerful org and mas mataas pa s student council is the CAT oFficers.. hays kakamiss tlga!!


    uyy operations and logistics officer! hmm... =p


    deputy battalion commander here. =)

  4. you need to have logical thinking... logical thinking is the basic of programming... and hacking a program requires the programming knowledge... you cannot reverse engineer something that you cannot understand on its basic look...


    but if you'll go to social engineering such as Phishing, this is a hack on the human brain, fooling somebody to get something from him. not the program or system you are hacking.... meaning , if you cannot HACK the SYSTEM you HACK the USER.. you are IN!





    pogi ba ang hackers? ung mga media whore siguro oo... :D if you heard about the GMA website hack way back ages.. that explains the media whores..





    mag foforgot password ka ba? hehehe :D kewl stuff :D


    pano kung gusto mong makapasok na hindi ma notice ng user na may ibang nagbabasa ng acct nya?forgot password will reset ur password dba?


    hehehe.. sir evilagent, media whores ba yung naka penetrate sa gmanetwork.com? =)

  5. well, the good hackers dont announce themselves. :) but here is a tip, brute forcing stuff like friendster is for kids.the pros go for IC :)


    hmm... very well said sir ryuji. better on securityfocus rather than packetstorm right? how bout vulnerability assessment and real world penetration testing? does it count =)


    well as i always says in every presentation: "there is no patch -p0 for human stupidity..."



  6. Not always. We wear T-back because itz necessary when we wear capri, three-fourths or tight fit pants.


    Mga utak nyo talaga


    hahahaha.. natawa ako don ahh..


    very well said =)

  7. thanks a lot for the very informative post dude!

    right now, all that is stopping me from buying an IPhone is that they might launch some IPhones meant for the Philippines by 2008!


    if it's not too much to ask... can you share how we cld work around through some of the difficulties in using IPhone?

    like when using the dictionary... how can we go around this?


    lastly, why can't we transfer pics/videos/etc. from the IPhone to our mobile devices despite both of them having bluetooth?

    I didn't understand the part where you said they are not supported... or did it mean that they aren't compatible with one another?


    hi bro. the auto correction feature can be turned off though, so really there's nothing to worry about it. about the sms forwarding or individual deletion of sms (since text messages goes in threaded style), you can install "smsd", for individual call register deletion, you can install "calld" naman.. all of these 3rd party application can be install through wifi once you have app installer on your phone. you can install app installer through your windows or mac pc using the usb cable.


    yes as what sir fry said, iphone doesn't currently have a BT profile for exchanging/ sending pictures or notes to other devices, but don't worry there is also a 3rd party application wherein you can email the notes, photos directly to your inbox or to anyone else.


    most of the apps that makes the iphone rewarding are 3rd party application as of now. i hope the 2nd generation iphones would be much better not just in design but in usability and functionality as well. =)


    kudos bro.

  8. I want an iphone for christmas.


    Should i buy one or wait for the second generation iphone? :unsure:


    if you're into apple, then you have to buy one right now. i don't think iphone's selling price would dropped fast as nokia or any other phones out there if ever you wish to dispose it or sell it. but lemme give you some things you might consider as well before you buy:


    - iphone uses EDGE and WIFI technology for data and internet. nokia and other mobile phones uses, 3G, GPRS and WAP. 3G is the technology behind video calls, so if you're not into video calls, you can put iphone into consideration.


    - you can not send or transfer photos from your iphone to your laptop and other mobile phones via bluetooth or IR. this is not supported, however you can directly email them via EDGE or wifi. iphone currently supports truncating bluetooth headsets only like jabra and the rest. it means you can not use your iphone to listen for music using your BT headset, earphones et.al. (though there is a workaround for this).


    - if you are a texter and usually sends and forwards quotes from your friends, too bad you won't be able to use it on your iphone. it does not supports sms forwarding, multiple sms recipients and MMS as well... no exchanging of pictures from your boyfriend =) and no videos as well.


    - the default install comes with a predictive keypad for your SMS (a default dictionary in nokia), which means it automatically predicts english words right before you finish typing them... (but don't worry, there is also a workaround for this).


    - battery consumption would last a day if you barely uses ipod on your phone. normal battery usage would take 4 hours of talk time for a full charge. i've already tried using it 4 hours straight and it goes well enough naman...


    so with this kind of crap, why would you still like to buy an iphone now? =)


    - because iphone is iphone. iphone is apple and apple is mac. apple keeps a distinguish quality when it comes to their respective products. apple products does'nt drop off prices like other competitors do. they are known for quality and durability.


    - since iphone is mac, and mac came from bsd-unix.. therefore iphone is unix. which means the core and based system is stable. i believe iphone is free from viruses though you must choose carefully what programs to install...


    - with its large screen, it is easy for your thumb to surf and navigate through the internet, play music with the ipod or switch calls. the sleek design and eye candy makes the iphone the future of mobile phones.


    if you're a tech savvy slave then go get one now. if you have a missing feature then stic to your sony ericsson or nokia. =)



  9. i'll add to my questions. please bear with me.


    1. phpmyadmin is Web based right?

    2. What's your take on OpenOffice Base as front-end then MySQL or Postgre as back-end?

    3. Have you successfully installed MySQL Administrator on Freespire/Ubuntu? Or any distro

    4. I'm having problems running wine. I tried it to install mirc631.exe and I turned on debugmode , it seems to stop . SHOULD I BOTHER INSTALLING USING WINE? or just plain CNR would do the trick?

    5. What distro is good for database programs?


    1. yup. phpmyadmin is web based. though mysql enables you to do the querying via shell. phpmyadmin is your gui behind the console =)

    2. mysql and postgres almost has a similar functionality as an rdbms for linux or unix but mysql is the usual tandem for PHP (which most likely would be your front-end)

    3. well for me, i don't know much about freespire/et.al but been using php/mysql for web-based application for almost 5 years now. tried it in rh,fc,cent0s,freebsd and openbsd unix.

    4. you were trying to install wine for what? just for the sake of connecting to an irc server? i suggest u use x-chat (if u want a gui based irc client) or bitchX (if you want a console based irc client). hopefully that would do fine.

    5. for proprietary db's like oracle, usually it comes with a package. u can either use AIX unix by IBM or solaris by Sunmicro. for MySQL fedora core, centos would do. for unix-like os, try freebsd.. good for application servers. yahoo runs it. google has it =)



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