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Posts posted by Samuelvan

  1. On 10/14/2019 at 11:26 AM, Supa.Chill'n said:

    Ted and Robin were a great start, but the ending ignored all of the character development with Barney, Ted, and Robin.


    The creators themselves said that they knew the ending before the show started, which is nice from a creative standpoint. But I think they forgot that their characters grew and were so in-love with their original idea that they just went with it.


    Ted's journey was that of a hopeless romantic, but it became one of self discovery as he looked for the one that fit him the most.


    Barney's journey was that of a womanizer with no heart who found something beautiful to keep his heart in an unexpected place (Robin).


    Robin's journey was of a hard working woman looking for a break into success. She was a strong individual that was confident and didn't need a man, but was willing to be with someone that could be her equal.


    In my opinion, Barney+Robin BR > Ted+Robin TR.


    From a character standpoint, TR is boring and BR is fun. In their arc, TR was just Ted wanting Robin just because he thought she was the one because he wanted someone to be the one. There was no special chemistry, they weren't even that compatible. They kinda just tolerated each other.


    BR was about challenge and the unexpected and change. Barney and Robin were both "awesome" and confident, and they had to find a way to coexist and give to each other. And they did. They grew into a sweet couple from two alphas that didn't seem like they would fit.


    Barney's relapse felt so sudden and out of character. It was still a little fun because it was crazy. But it felt bad and out of place, like it came from an alternate universe Barney. Then he knocks up a college girl? Out of character for the guy that has multiphase plans for women. Condoms are basic AF and are probably in the preamble to the Playbook.


    It's like crafting a beautiful cake and then right before they serve it, they throw it on the floor and give you a stale muffin.


    I'm part of the group of people that ignore the ending and we believe in the ending where Ted was just telling his kids about how he met their mother.


    You can keep your ending. It doesn't ruin the series, but it's a little annoying, like a stale muffin sitting on my fancy cake. I'm eating my cake. Keep your stale muffin, Carter Bays and Craig Thomas.


    BTW, don't let my dislike of the ending ruin it for you. We don't have to agree. We're just talking here.

    True I love the series but the ending is a meh for me. It's so rush that there is only a few episodes for the mother but I think the whole series is just Ted asking for the permission of his two kids to be with robin.

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