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  1. start with me mga parecoys..... i just bought a canon manual slr camera in my bid to become a professional photographer at maging contributing photog for sexy magazines like FHM, Uno etc. hehehehe (dreaming ba?) I hope this thread will spur discussion on photography basics and techniques necessary to transform a totally point and shoot photographer into a Xander Angeles. my camera is a respectable FM10 canon. I didnt buy the expensive digital SLR (not yet) as some old timer photographer mastering film cameras is the only way to understand real photography.... your comments, tips, contributions....please...
  2. friend no.1 i got this friend who is gym rat. goes to the gym pump iron..rides the bike...ran the treadmills...stays at the gym 2-3 hours. goes to the gym almost 3 times a week. In between those he swims. He bikes on weekends and never drink beer or eat meat. friend no.2 i got this friend who follows a very minimam exercise program like briskwalking to work. taking stairs instead of elevator, does not smoke, drinks socially...rides the bike on weekend...sleeps early.. when both of my friends went to see their docs...they were given almost same level of good health. now, I am not a person who can afford to do what friend no. 1 can do...i got work. Can there be an alternative exercise regimen for office workers to keep a healthy body (no hypertension, controllable cholesterol level, good heart condition)....
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