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Posts posted by rpgfan

  1. ^Whoops! Sorry about that. My brother's account was logged in pala.


    Anyway, that site should help. Don't hesitate to ask your questions okay? I'm sure other folks would be more than willing to help out, same as me.


    P.S. How does one delete in these forums? I can't seem to find a delete button e.

  2. What I meant by "practical approach without losing files" is to still be able to work with all the existing data (DOC, XLS, PUB (publisher), PPT, etc) files, and having minimal down time in transferring to Linux.


    Would you guys recommend using a dual boot (linux and WinXP) or any other method to ensure that things work fine before finally removing WinXP?  Or would it be more practical to get a new computer, set it up as a Linux system, then transfer all the files?


    BTW, what Linux package would you guys recommend?  Red Hat, Mandrake, etc?  WIll basically use the computer for word processing, spreadsheet, presentation (using Powerpoint now), and email & web surfing.


    Another practical approach would be for you to download a Live CD (like Ubuntu or Mandriva One) and boot off that to see if your systems are compatible with it. The nice thing about it is that it will run off your RAM and CD drive so your hard disk won't be touched. You can fiddle around with it and see if it's to your liking before you decide to take the plunge and install it. A few simple commands in the built-in terminals will allow you to see your old files in your HD so you can tinker with them and see if they're compatible, but you should be careful when allowing access to your HD at any time.


    Hope this helps!

  3. Help, I am a newbie.  Is there a distro that support "Dlink" internal winmodem or external usb modem?  Thanks.


    Hello johnlove. If you need a driver for winmodems in Linux, you can check here: http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/hsf/downloads-installer.php where people with Conexant compatible winmodems usually go.


    As for external usb modems, I think most distros support those by default now but I might be wrong. If you want the best distros to go for with default support for usb would be Mandriva, Fedora, Ubuntu and PCLinuxOS. You can check out their websites via Google for more information.


    If you need more help, don't hesitate to ask!

  4. in the lineage to Leviticus's question, here is my toss:


    is there any ISO certified company or organization out there that runs on Linux?(workstation and server-wise?)


    just an emancipation of my human curiosity.




    I hear one of the biggest of them all, IBM has completely shifted over to Linux. I think you can't get much more ISO certified than that.

  5. free ang guild wars at wow?...i dont think so...ang guild wars babayaran mo lng is cd which costs abt 2700 tapos ang wow is abt 12 dollars a month ata...


    Please read my post again. I said FREE ang Planeshift, the MMORPG that runs in Linux (the link provided above).


    I never implied that WoW or Guild Wars is free.

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