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Status Updates posted by Hamenegg

  1. Does the threat of raid deter GMs or does it just make the experience more exciting for them?

  2. “Sex without love is a meaningless experience, but as far as meaningless experiences go its pretty damn good.” - Woody Allen

  3. The trouble with love is many people fall for how the other person makes them feel instead for who that person really is.

  4. I live for the appeal of pleasant uncertainties.

  5. We could not make it a secret but where's the fun in that?

  6. Excitement lies on the pursuit. A little uncertainty adds flavor to the experience.

  7. Expression of love is more important than love itself.

  8. We need a little bit of insanity to survive in this crazy world.

  9. The curse of life is that it's both too short and too long at the same time. You look back in sadness and look ahead with fear.

  10. Every meaninful human interaction that you allow in your life demands an investment of the heart.

  11. We all need an avenue to be promiscuous. Licentious activities are the playground of our most wonderful imaginations.

  12. This industry offers us an opportunity to fool ourselves with the illusion of being valued, taken care of, and sometimes even loved. It's about quenching something beyond our carnal thirsts. Ultimately, we're all but lonely wanderers often drowing in our meanilngless exsistence. This industry allows us to briefly forget that.

  13. Happiness is not a decision, you can't just make up your mind and stop being sad. But happiness is an activity of the mind; and like with other things, you can condition your mind to pursue happiness more actively than sadness.

  14. “Sex without love is a meaningless experience, but as far as meaningless experiences go its pretty damn good.” - Woody Allen

  15. "Fiction has been maligned for centuries as being 'false,' 'untrue,' yet good fiction provides more truth about the world, about life, and even about the reader, than can be found in non-fiction." - Clark Zlotchew

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