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Posts posted by Tammymef

  1. Guys I have ADSL connection 4Mbps/1Mbps and it was soooooooo cool, 2 days ago it started to seem that there is something is suckin all the speed, i thought its some sort of virus or trojan but i scanned it with avast I.S. and MWB and its all clean and i know that my PC is clean but i wanted to be sure,


    so i think that there is a program is suckin all the connection, so there is a program i can track every single program which use my internet connection ?? or i can monitor my bandwidth and which program is getting and sending this HUGE data


  2. I have two Gateways, 1 laptop running Windows Vista & MacAfee virus scan and a Gateway desk-top running Windows XP & MacAfee virus scan. Currently, I am getting messages from the laptop MacAfee virus scan to enable its firewall. I currently run the computers firewall on the laptop. On the desk-top I am running the computer supplied firewall & no MacAfee virus scans firewall.


    Should I run both firewalls or the virus scans firewalls, or the computers firewalls??


  3. Is this wrong?? I have had alot of people ask me to send payment as a gift.. I have no problem doing it. But Some people are getting a hard time for doing it.

    But I know I spend money on Shipping and packing the cards. And always give a better deal when not using Paypal.. So Im trying to save people money by taking gift payments. Including myself..If I ever do.


    To me Paypal offers me no protection. I have had several deals where Paypal was wrong and still went with the wrong end of the deal..


    I have money in my Paypal account and they pay me no interest. So what service are they providing me?? That Im not paying for??


    Just like to know that other people think.. Thanks..


  4. best thing to do is get your computer set up the way you want it, then partition the HDD into at least 2 sections - one for the OS and another for data, and then take an image of the HDD. then if you ever get a malware you can just restore the original image and the minerware or ransomware is gone.


    to block garbage, ads etc use the browser add-ons uBlock Origin and uMatrix - gives you granular control of anything running on the website


  5. Got rid of Firefox a long time ago. I use Chrome/windows 7, no problem.

    Which reply are you using? Try Post Reply if you are using Quick Reply, just a shot in the dark. I am no tekkky but I was able to get my smart TV to run screen savers of Nation Parks. Now if I could just get it to use some of BPs Friday scanks life would be good.

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