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Status Updates posted by byte_boy_manila

  1. Bro, marami ka bang alam ng V? gusto kong tumikim hehehe Kahit magbayad ako ng may konting kamahalan let me know. byte_boy_byte@yahoo.com

  2. Can we hang out? byte_boy_byte@yahoo.com

  3. Can we hook up please? byte_boy_byte@yahoo.com

  4. Can we meet byte_boy_byte@yahoo.com

  5. details byte_boy_byte@yahoo.com

  6. details please byte_boy_byte@yahoo.com

  7. details please? byte_boy_byte@yahoo.com

  8. Flashie

    Me too! byte_boy_byte@yahoo.com

    Yesterday, 11:51 PM

    hi thre...is there any way we can communicate? ym perhaps? do drop me a msg..thanx

  9. Hello can you please provide details? byte_boy_byte@yahoo.com

  10. Hello maybe we can hangout, I'll be back in Manila sa Nov. byte_boy_byte@yahoo.com

  11. Hello nice pic, I'll be back in Pinas this Nov. maybe we can hangout? byte_boy_byte@yahoo.com

  12. Hello pretty can you please send me details byte_boy_byte@yahoo.com

  13. hello pretty, byte_boy_byte@yahoo.com

  14. Hello, I'm in NJ too, want to hook up? byte_boy_byte@yahoo.com

  15. Hey Bianca, nice pic, I want to meet you I'll be home in Manila byte_boy_byte@yahoo.com

  16. Hi, need some lovin' pm me byte_boy_byte@yahoo.com

  17. I second to that!

    mine is byte_boy_byte@yahoo.com :)


    29 Aug 2010 - 02:59

    hi!can we be friends?pls send me ur details..peter.fantastico@yahoo.com

  18. I want to share my feelings with you! :) byte_boy_byte@yahoo.com

  19. I will visit PH on Nov. 2010 can I have your details please? byte_boy_byte@yahoo.com

  20. I'll be in Tokyo on first week of Nov. hope to see you, byte_boy_byte@yahoo.com

  21. Me too! byte_boy_byte@yahoo.com

  22. Me too! byte_boy_byte@yahoo.com


    Yesterday, 07:56 PM

    hi details please

  23. need more info byte_boy_byte@yahoo.com

  24. nice hot lady! pm me byte_boy_byte@yahoo.com

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