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    internet, bikes, sex, cars, painting, sex, freehand sketching, computer games, sex..... (definitely not in that order)

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  1. bonjing


    Good Day to all.... Just wanted your take on this subject. Your fears, questions, opinions, and whatever... If you would like support, I hope this thread can handle it too... I'll start the ball rolling. I lost my wife of 16 years to Breast Cancer. We battled it for almost 3.5 years, but in the end, we lost. It was a long, painful, uphill battle. It drained us financially, emotionally, physically. Nearing the end my wife thanked me for the support. Told her not to thank me, as I would have done it even without her asking for it. But life has to go on. Not advisable to just sit in a corner and sulk or be despondent about Life. Life is to short not to enjoy it....
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