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Posts posted by boibastos

  1. At least sa LAkers pa rin ang bragging rights na nun nagharap ang Lakers at Celtics teams na may pinakamasamang record combined, tinalo ng LA ang Boston laugh.gif



    The Celtics thread is very quiet. Karamihan pa na nag post ay hindi masasabing maka-Celtics. Naglaho ng parang mga bula ang nga "FANatics" ng Celtics specially yun mga maaangas makipagdebate sa mga Lakers fans.


    You'd think they'd at least take a shot at us saying that our win just proves we'll never beat them at sucking. We might as well give up all hope at a top draft pick --- not in their house.


    No argument.

  2. Sa liit ng sweldo ni MArshall natakot siguro itong makisali sa gulo at baka ma fine pa siya rolleyes.gif


    Like i said, wala talaga sa isip nila umabot sa playoffs.


    Oh well, at least kasama natin sina rondo and co. na nangngangamote sa conference. :lol:

  3. I hate to say this but maybe the lakers can just accept the FACt that even if they reach the playoffs their chance to win it all is close to zero. Maybe just give Kobe the time to heal rather than letting him push himself back quickly and play hard for a losing cause. Taking a step backward and getting a good spot in the draft order next year would not be totally a bad idea for a rebuilding team like the lakers.


    At this point, the playoffs are the furthest thing from the lakers' minds.




    Being the conference doormat is one thing, but guys not sticking up for each other? They're not a rebuilding team, they're not even a team.

  4. it's crazy how goddamn close we are to a full blown nuclear conflict. in 1947 the doomsday clock was at 8 minutes to midnight, it went to an all time low of 17 minutes at the end of the cold war. Right now we're at 5 minutes.


    and to think this BS should have stopped by the end of the cold war.


    Too much bad blood. Too many nations want resources that are already dwindling. Some are already thinking to expand their economic region if not their actual borders. I think time is running out on the five mins we have left.


    Hope it doesn't happen in our lifetime, but i honestly think given the world situation it's a question of when rather than an if.

  5. I'm only counting on Nokor to join in the fray because the others are just too far. Russia? I'm still 50-50 regarding its participation with China and Nokor (Axis) unless it has a base on the Asian side. Let's confine this scenario to nearby countries. Of course, the ASEAN will side with the US. I'm not exactly sure if China has the guts to start a nuclear war but if this were just conventional warfare like in Iraq, China will be virtually surrounded by US Allies. These US Allies will provide logistics and bases where the US will launch attacks from multiple points. The US can strike from the Southwest (India), South and Souteast (ASEAN) and the Northeast (Japan and South Korea). This will be a nightmare for the Chinese because if the US decides to bomb them, the US has multiple attack points.


    I bet that the second china declares war, nokor'll have at least five divisions over the dmz with more on the way. This is assuming they don't launch nukes as a first strike. If they immediately bring nukes into play, nothing is going to be left of the south to invade or defend.


    The russians would play. That's for sure. But which side is a question mark. They're neighbors with china. It'll be tempting on their part to slice pieces of it for themselves especially if things don't go well for china in a conventional war. They'll definitely make a play for some of the former soviet republics nearby.


    Doubt the US and their allies can launch attacks or troops from india as those guys and the pakis will probably be smacking each other around when the bell goes up. Makes more sense for them to use japan, taiwan and us as staging bases.

  6. a direct conflict between china and the US would draw lines in the sand


    NATO automatically goes with the US

    Syria, Iran, et. al. will go China, Russia probably will too

    NoKor will go Chinese

    Pakistan will go Chinese

    India will go where Pakistan isn't


    so yeah it might lead to a global conflict. Both China and the US (when they intervene) will have to maneouver this gingerly. Both countries know the consequences of going nuclear. But some of the allied countries might not care. Pakistan and India for instance, those two have just been chomping at the bit for a reason to launch. Something as big as this might be it.


    And lest everyone forget, israel never lost public enemy no.1 in it's area. A dustup between the major powers would certainly get some of its enemies thinking that it would be an excellent time to settle old scores. Israel is VERY public about using nukes if things don't go their way.


    In contrast the US military sent teen superstar Justin Beaver to give a free show to Filipino victims of calamity. They gave vital food and water supples and even indirectly exposed the administration for neglect forcing top officials to offer a free show of charity and concern.



    If you can't say no, then switch to sniffing a milder solvent.

  8. The USS Reagan will soon replace the USS George Washington in its post in Yokosuka. It's one of the more capable carrier strike groups in the US, cited as the most combat efficient carrier four times. The US has said that it needs the most capable ships to be forward deployed as part of a rebalancing strategy, which includes moving the USS Theodore Roosevelt to the west coast from Norfolk, for quicker deployment across the Pacific. So they have one Carrier strike group ready to be anywhere in the south and east china sea in a matter of hours, plus one more carrier group ready to cross the Pacific at a moment's notice.


    I take this as a sign that America is not taking China's moves lightly, pointing their biggest deterrents right at China. So yeah there's a big chance that the US will move against China should it come to that. As I said, any move by China is a serious threat to the current balance, and America will do all it can to contain it, whether it be in our interests or not.


    Arguing the MDT is moot at this point, they will move not because of face or anything else, they will move because it will be a disaster for them not to.


    Good to know that the US has its guns nearby if needed. But i hope that the US will act sooner rather than later should the chinese get it into their heads to take whatever they want from us and act even more aggressively.

  9. Yes, you are correct but, like I said, these guys are pushing the envelope as far as they can until the US tells them to quit it or face the consequences. Correct me if I'm wrong but, historically, Democrats have been doves while Republicans are, generally, hawks. I think China knows this that's why it seized the opportunity. The only Democrat I observed who seems to be leaning towards being a hawk is Hillary Clinton. I think if W was still the POTUS, he would have warned China. I mean in W''s time, the Chinese weren't really this aggressive in terms of seizing islands and dictating terms over those islands.


    The chinese are apparently stronger economically and militarily now than they were during W's time so maybe it's more of the timing than the latter's policies that kept them relatively quiet. I agree that the chinese are pushing to see what they can get away with before the US threatens to bring out the stick. But my concern is they can get away with a whole lot where we are concerned as we have next to nothing to defend our interests in our dispute with them.


    I suppose the question is, at what point will the US act and what will they do? Say for example, a huge deposit of oil is found in the area we are claiming and the chinese start building structures and sending people to secure/exploit it. The chinese have never listened to our bitching about how this should be settled by maritime law, doubt they'll listen to us then. Will the US then send its military and risk a shooting war, or will they just allow the chinese to benefit at our expense?

  10. Yes, China's military is one of the biggest in terms of infantry. After all, they are the most populous nation on earth. But in terms of technology, they may be years or decades even from the US. China may have the advantage in manpower but in terms of firepower and technology, the US takes the cake. If I'm not mistaken, Japan is forbidden to be the aggressor but can only defend itself from aggression as per its Constitution.


    In my opinion, the Asian region will have a problem if the military technology of China is at par or at least close with that of the US. If China closes the gap in terms of the technology and firepower of US hardware, then even the US will have a problem.


    By the way, China's carrier is a second-hand, late 80s Soviet carrier which was refurbished by the Chinese navy. If it were to go against a US super carrier, which has a battle group, the hunter-killer submarines of this battle group will sink it easily. That is if the F-18s on the super carrier don't get to it first.


    No argument there about that carrier or that the chinese military tech may not be at par with that of the US now. But remember, the chinese are already throwing their weight around in its asian maritime disputes even without new war toys. And notice that uncle sam's naval battlegroups are nowhere in sight. Doesn't really inspire confidence that the US and its justice league friends will throw down the next time china wants to build a hotel for its soldiers in the disputed islands.

  11. In my opinion, these guys are just pushing the envelope as far as it can. In the vernacular "tignan natin kung hangang san kakayanin." China will most definitely get routed. I'm not even sure if it can outgun Japan which, if I'm not mistaken, has military hardware that is only one or two generations older than the US.


    I don't know about that, man. China's military is one of the biggest in the world and japan is hamstrung by its laws and international commitment from wwii to only maintain a self defense force. Plus, i think everyone that has any kind of electronic gadget would know that the chinese are not lacking in terms of manufacturing ability. It's kind of frightening to think how much weaponry they can produce if they shift to full war production.


    If the chinese ever get to figure out how to effectively deploy that military of theirs overseas, the asian region will, to put it mildly, will have a bit of a problem. That aircraft carrier of theirs is a step in that direction.

  12. if the lakers would continue this lineup and would not make any good team decision any time soon for sure mawawala sila sa playoffs,west has the strongest team and mahirap if your standing is below .500..for sure wala ka sa number 8 spot.


    Doesn't matter if they made the playoffs anyway. Baka maulit lang yung sweep nila of last year. Mahina talaga sa tao at ang dami pang injured. Buti pa magbago na lang ng training at medical staff, baka tumagal pa ang players.

  13. Some unexpected keepers from this season. Farmar, blake, young, henry, and johnson. Liked hill since last year. If nothing else, the lakers will have a good, young core to build around along with kobe if they're going to assemble a contender in the future.


    Pau should be traded. The rest can go.

  14. seriously guys, do you think kobe will be productive when he gets back?


    i hope he gets back to an all star level coz it's a good story line but i doubt that's gonna happen.


    Knowing him, he's going to come back earlier than expected, possibly reinjure himself and then try to ignore the pain. The guy is one of the, if not the last, of the old school nba guys that will play until their body parts irretrievably break or come off. Most of his contemporaries (AI, Tmac, KG etc...) have either hung it up or on their last legs but he's still in there looking for rings.Man's worth every cent of the millions the lakers pay him for that alone.


    Problem is, there's already a lifetime of nba milage on those legs. If he doesn't get back even 70% of what he was pre-injury, he's going to do the lakers more harm than good as everyone knows he's going to try and get the lakers back to contention even by just himself.

  15. It's so frustrating to watch Pau Gasol play these days. I subscribed to NBA League pass on my phone so I can watch the games all the time. Hope Kobe returns soon. Maybe he can inject some passion into Pau. Guy looks lost out there.


    Kobe can inject whatever he wants inside Pau and he still going to be slow, out of sync, and at times disinterested. The man is clearly done, he's been that way for the past 3 seasons. Unfortunately, Pau's still also clearly better than most of the Lakers we have on the court at any given time.

  16. I don't know why, despite having so many superstars and highly paid players in the team, they still have more losses than wins. Mysterious!


    5 reasons why:


    1. Gasol plays like a 40 year old.

    2. Nash IS actually 40.

    3. Kobe is still broken.

    4. Someone REALLY has to tell Nick Young that he's not Kobe.

    5. Most teams can't be fooled with D'antoni's who-are-those-guys-anyway? offense.


    It's a miracle that we have 3 wins at this point. When the rest of the NBA figures out that the Lakers are just Pau, 1/3 of Steve Nash and a bunch of guys who are just happy to be chucking random 3-pointers and to be in a NBA roster, it's going to get brutal.

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