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Sir Galahad®

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Sir Galahad® last won the day on September 18 2017

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    Computers, Sports, Nightlife, Games, Electronic Thingies

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  1. It's really really dark outside, like the emptiness in my heart... Amp! Sino ba nagsimula nito? Hehehe!

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    2. Sir Galahad®

      Sir Galahad®

      I remember I used to have a personal thread here. I think I even had the poems I used to make during rainy days posted here. But those were cira 2010s and below hahahaha.

    3. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      hmmm. i wonder why i never saw those. since when i see poetry in a thread, i'd usually drop by to read them.

    4. Sir Galahad®

      Sir Galahad®

      Hmmmm... that I don't know. I always use "The Wandering Knight of Solitude" as a description of myself.

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