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Posts posted by Brian214

  1. On 1/14/2023 at 5:51 PM, benj777 said:

    Any recommended hotels? But yes, curious also as to what Puerto Galera looks like now. And san ba may girls din? You know. ;) ;)t

    Their red light district is in Sabang, and not in white beach. 

  2. A more efficient law to control noise pollution. Wherein residential areas should always observe silence. No fuckin roosters, Videoke (no more than 100db and no outrageous bass), Loud Mufflers, Ruckus, and whatever noise that can disturb neighbors. In this age, not all people are awake in the AM, there are at least 30% of the working population that works at night. We have a vague law about this right now; this needs to be ammended and implemented efficiently. 

  3. Not so much, but if given a choice, I would go for petite rather than tall. My past ladies were between 5'1 and 5'10. When it comes to sexual position, a petite lady beats a taller one everytime. Relationship wise, height won't really matter.

  4. Crab mentality


    Maniana habit


    Financially invasive

    Chismoso chismosa


    Smart shaming

    Social climbing

    Pwede na system


    Lakas makatawa sa mga jokes sa ibang lahi pero kpg naging target n ng joke, pikon.

    Maka-Diyos dw, pero demonyo ugali.


    Dami no? Kaya di tayo umaangat s ibang bansa eh.

  5. I believe that this dates back to the time of the Spaniards. Filipinos (er, Indios) were considered second class islanders or even lower. Even Mestizos (in the 60s these were know as the "mestizo de entre suelo) born in the island belonged to a lower strata when compared to a Spanish migrant. However, the process of social assimilation by the Filipino with the Mestizos and Spaniards had a pre-requisite of land and wealth. This was very evident in Rizal's novels, particularly, with Dona Victorina. Up to this day, wealth and influence became the standard of the Filipinos' acceptance in the society or community he/she revolves in, not just abroad but even locally.


    The situation never improved because the Philippines never had the occasion to broaden its middle class. The landed and the hacenderos wielded power and influence during the post-Spanish rule. It got worse during Marcos' time, where only a handful of cronies benefitted. To have influence and wealth, cronies stole from that state. Corruption was a way to get rich. This carried on during Cory's, FVR's, Erap's term. Well, need I say more for GMA's term?




    Filipinos are proud! Among the countries in Asia, we are one race where bowing is not customary -- Japan, China, Korea, India, Thailand etc. bowing is part of their tradition. Filipinos, they nod their heads by lifting their chin.


    A false pretense from one of the poorest country in Asia!

    what a nice opinion that is based from facts from history. I cant agree more. I only hope that people would stop letting the past or bad parts of a culture to dictate their personality or character. Science keep saying that we have the most sophisticated brain among all creatures in this planet, so why dont we all start using it appropriately.
  6. I guess it boils down to how comfortable you are with your physique. If you are happy with how much you weigh then you dont get hurt by jokes. If you get hurt, then why not do something about what's making you hurt. Eat better and exercise more. Again, it all depends on you. You cant control the people around you, the only thing you can control is yourself.

  7. I use to always drink like there is no tomorrow. I rarely get drunk so I somehow missed the point of drinking i guess? Lol. But yeah I was "manginginom" before, i somehow find fun in doing so. But as I was moving away from my twenties, the fun just isnt there anymore. So now I just drink 8 -10 bottles maybe twice or thrice a year when there is an occasion.

  8. If you are already happy together, what would marriage really do to make it even better? Nothing. It's just following what society tells us what to do with our lives. I have more friends who were married but separated after a year or so, than friends who arent married and have been together until now.

  9. Dont forget to add the fact that condos arent permanent assets. Every contract stipulates only 50years or so of ownership. Meaning you dont have a lot thats really yours. If you really need it for work then do so. However, you also have to acquire a house and lot for your future.

  10. I dont think it is weird.. i actually find it smart for you to think that way. There is no guaranteed happiness waiting for you after marriage (to some who did, then good for you). You may find some, but it will be outweighed by its downside. It is just a society imposed form of completion and happiness. If you are happy with being single and just have some occasional casual fun, then keep at it. We all die alone, regardless, if you have someone on your bedside or not. Living your life to its full potential is more important than what society tells you what you should do with your life.

  11. I agree with that.

    From a moral standpoint, lies are just repugnant in general. Though there are exceptions, most lies are used as a means of deceit.

    Also, emotional damage is some of the worse damage a person can experience. A bad experience in relationships ruins future relationships.

    Even when you're just trying to have casual relationships, you're investing time and money for that coochie. If that's fun for you, go ahead, but thinking its better than paying for sexual relations is like saying self service restaurants are better than ones with waiters and service charge.

    My main argument departs from the thesis "Sex work is integral" a bit, since mine is "sex work is more acceptable than moral obliquity in human relations (via lies and deceit)"

    P.S. I haven't watched the video, yet

    that was a nice analogy sir. Also, I'd like to add that there are men who patronize sex workers to save themselves the time one could waste when engaging in casual sex. So to those who says that casual relationship is the same or better than hiring a sex worker, please stop. You don't know what you are saying. Like he said, if you like it and you have the time to spare, then by all means.
  12. SKL


    Almost 40,being single, and living alone is not so bad at all. There is nothing wrong with it. There is nothing wrong with me for relishing the company of my own self.


    I realized that if I had married my ex-boyfriend after we graduated from college, there is a chance that we may have ended up separated. If we stayed together, there is a chance that I have lost myself because I would continually adjust to what he and the family needs.


    I wouldn't be able to take up further studies.


    I wouldn't be able to meet the friends I made after we broke up.


    I wouldn't be able to pursue the things that interest me.


    I wouldn't be able to thoroughly enjoy my own company.


    I wouldn't be able to visit the places I did after we broke up.


    Yes, it would be nice to be with someone. However, I'd rather be alone than let myself get lost again just because I must cater to my partner's needs.


    There is nothing better than loving yourself and getting the most of what life has to offer.




    The best thing is, you feel this great sense of satisfaction knowing that you achieved these things on your own two feet.

    I couldn't agree more (",)
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