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mrbig86 last won the day on September 2 2022

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    Music, computers, movies, video games, sex, business, fitness, mountain biking, outdoor activities, long drives, travel, investing

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  1. It's hard to sleep knowing that a few of my relatives on my father side are invading Ukraine, and a few of my former colleagues and team members are fighting for the Ukrainian resistance.

    What Russia is doing to Ukraine is basically what NATO did to dozens of countries whose governments they toppled in the last few decades. All these asshole leaders with demonic intentions pretending to be angels trying to save the world.

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    2. mrbig86


      Depende din actually kung sino ang paniniwalaan mo. Pero damn! Napaka delikado ng sitwasyon ngayon sa buong mundo. China is already telling US they are ready for an all out war if pakikialaman sila sa Taiwan.

      World leaders' agendas are always a bad thing for humanity - and yes, NATO and Russia have their own agendas. 

      One small miscalculation can lead to a bigger war - even WW3. 

      Is NATO the good guy? Of course not - they distabilized countries over and over again and called it "liberation", heck they probably have their hands all over when the pro Russian President of Ukraine was kicked out pf office in 2014. 

      I just hope na negotiation was able to solve the issue between Russia and Ukraine.

      Hay, buhay Earth.

    3. HornyHRManager


      I always forget na may Russian blood ka when we only chat/talk on  the phone.. 

      How are your cousins and your colleagues? 

    4. mrbig86


      @HornyHRManager wala na akong balita sa mga relatives namin since early last week. Though they are more likely to be safer than my Ukrainian colleagues.

      I'm getting updates on my Ukrainian colleagues from my former company's HR department. Roughly around 100 colleagues (from finance and IT dept) ang nag join na sa Ukrainian resistance.

      Russia have weapons even US military are afraid of. I'm worried if Russia starts using more powerful weapons against the Ukrainian resistance that I'll start getting news of my former colleagues demise.

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