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Posts posted by doc1653

  1. On 3/23/2018 at 1:28 PM, miggyE said:

    could you share to us the potential side effects of the drug? drug interactions? steroidal/hormonal effects?

    miggyE, you type like you're still in med school. That's the impression I get for some reason.  

  2. I am currently in a relationship that people would only dream about. Im currently cheating on her every weekend. I go out every week to spakols, from stress. I know shes is not always in the mood and i respect that but I hate being so sexually frustrated and taking out my anger and frustration on her. I know me cheating isnt justified and many say why not just masturbate. its just masturbating isnt enough for me.... I also hate myself for cheating because my father was also a serial cheater. Im weak. One half of me is desperately trying to stop myself. That half is the one who is loving towards my girlfriend. Who is always there and understanding. The other side of me as at night, the one who has embarrassed how trash I am, who doesnt give a single f#&k of how many women ive f#&ked. I really hate this at the same time i cant stop feeling excited on the next woman i get to experience. One side of me hopes i get caught, hopes i can finally start to care how much my girlfriend doesnt deserve what ive been doing to her. The other side of me doesnt want to lose her, I dont want to lose this relationship that I can see a future with. Ugh im so f#&ked up and this is depressing.

  3. I'm okay with it now after a few years of finding myself. I chose to move on in my career and she is already getting married. Happy for her but doing my own thing. I guess I moved on when I not only remembered the great times but also the times where I missed those red flags. Moving on was for the best.

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