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Posts posted by anonymousse

  1. Willpower lang. I quit cold turkey after smoking for more than 10 years. Of course, my body reacted to the sudden loss of nicotine (I got hives for a few weeks) but eventually I felt better. I regained my taste buds, my stamina improved, and I slept better. Once in a while I still take a puff or two while having a beer, but I can go months without it.

  2. Wala pa rin akong ticket. Sana meron pa sa TicketNet. I alread missed the first concert in August, and I promised myself I wouldn't miss this one.

  3. .hi!just my 2cents..i think there's a lot of literature about it,some free some with a fee..i wanna g ointo the buyinh/selling of foreclosed properties too but stil lacking more knowledge and funds so my recourse is to attend the REBAP QC's ( http://www.rebapqc.com/ ) real estate broker seminar to learn more...then maybe get lucky with flipping some properties..


    your situation maybe different but bottomline is gain as much knowledge on the subject.check the Legal Thread's discussions about Real Estate issues,check this too: http://www.entrepreneur.com.ph/board/index...opic=20004.1635 .there's a lot a learn from that site as well..


    hope that helps..

    I visited the entrepreneur link and it's about the book Think Rich, Pinoy by Larry Gamboa. Haven't had a chance to buy it yet. Anybody here who has read it?

  4. cold turkey is the way to go. you cant do it gradually. you tend to justify why you have to smoke a cigarette in a given time ex. after eating or being stressed at work, and after that you will realized you've consumed the same amount of cigarette when you havent decided to quit.

    I went cold turkey myself last year. But since I had been smoking already for over 20 years, it had temporary adverse effects. I developed hives. The dermatologist I went to see was pretty sure it was a reaction to my abrupt quitting. I took some anit-allergy medicine for a few months and now I'm okay. I still take a puff or two every few weeks, but generally I don't look for it anymore. Yung first month lang talaga yung mahirap.

  5. It's been posted here that doing ab exercises alone is not enough since there's no such thing as spot reduction. A fitness trainer told me as much before so I'm inclined to believe it. My question is: what would be a good cardio activity complement to ab exercises and how often should I engage in it? Also, I first started working out in 1993, and my trainer back then told me ab exercises should be maximum reps times two. I hit the gym again last year for the first time in over a decade, and now I was told to start with four sets and 15 reps per set. Which is really better?

  6. When my wife and I were still just bf-gf (we were an item for nearly eight years before we got married), not once was I tempted to leave her for another girl. I was attracted to a few girls, but I knew it was just lust and I never really made any serious moves towards any of them.


    Now the funny thing is, now that we're married, I can't seem to shake off this feeling that I might be falling for this new girl in our office. I know it sounds corny, but I feel a certain "kilig" whenever she arrives. It's not just physical attraction on my part; I feel like I want to really become close to her. It's tough to resist because she's a real looker and she's got a great personality. We have a lot of things in common and we talk all the time when we're taking our yosi breaks. Sometimes even when I'm with my wife, all I do is think about her. I haven't felt this way towards someone since, well, since when I first met my wife 10 years ago.


    But I know nothing will ever come out of this because I still do love my wife and can't stand the thought of losing her. What's more, this new girl is engaged to be married soon. When I heard It's Sad to Belong a few days ago, it's the first time I ever felt a connection with the lyrics. I just hope this is just a temporary thing. :(

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