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Posts posted by masteryoda116

  1. today... I am depressed... because of my own selfishness.. I know the solution to my dillemas... most of the time, I know what to do...


    .. but I found out in life that most difficulties in life have solutions that we are aware of... but can't seem to do it...


    .. but talking about it.... like this... helps a lot...


    .. maybe tomorrow, I can swallow my pride and do what is right....


    .. Wish me luck!...

  2. the Lord put us on earth not to serve him personally but to serve each other and everything there is on earth...


    ... in other words.... to have PURPOSE in everything you do... whether your a gardener, a teacher, a president... everyone should always be purposeful to another... and another... and another..


    The Lord did not create us to be his servants..... but to be each other's servants... to HELP each other.... to be of PURPOSE...

  3. Think of it this way...


    You cannot ask for something that does not exist!!!


    Space in a relationship..... does not exist!


    Think about it....


    If you're in a relationship, you do not see congestion, lack of freedom, privacy, and all other things related to being "single"....


    SPACE DOES NOT EXIST.... in fact, anyone in a relationship should not notice that there's no SPACE!!



    -- careful now, she's checkin' out the environment for new prospects... otherwise, she would not have asked for the non-existent "space"...

  4. Believe it of not guys...


    Most women cna have sex without being in love...


    Can't really blame them... they learned it from us!


    But everybody (men and women alike) will agree that nothing is more explicit, intimate and intense than "making love" with someone you love (or care about, at least..)


    Nowadays, everybody can have sex without the intimacy.... but makin' love is a lot better!


    Don't you agree?

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