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Posts posted by amplifiedgirl

  1. I'm not okay...I'm trying to be okay but i'm not. God is doing his major test again...this one is very tricky.Very difficult and i can't no longer breath. I'm in the brink of losing my job and being clueless if i'm gonna stay in my company or not...everytime i go to work, i always get ready if someone will approach me and tell me that "you're dead"! Today, i felt like putting an end to my heart...cut my breath away...i dont want to lose my job but it seems like each single day is deteriorating.I dont want to be jobless and being jobless is such a loser. I dont deserve what's happening right now. I have never imagined myself so worthless. This must be a nightmare! I hate applying for job,taking exams,getting interviewed with the same old insane applicant's questionaires.I just want to be in this place, the place where i almost treated like home though some people really suck but i still love this company. I know that this is all my fault, i wasnt a good employee...i sneaked browsing the internet and i am very temperamental with my customers and i regret it...i really do! I hope tomorrow when i wake up, everything will be fine....but i know it isnt going to be that way...I wish i can wake up from this nightmare! I beg God to forgive me and bring back what I had.

  2. PLDT CUSTOMER SERVICE SUCKS!!!!! I tried calling them but they wont troubleshoot over the phone! they said they will dispatch a technician out.I was just asking them a very simple question about the modem/router settings and they couldnt answer me!

  3. I have pldt dsl.I accidentally reset the modem.Before i was connecting using winxp broadband dialer but now the default gateway has accidentally got configured so everytime i use my broadband dialer i am getting error 678. I tried to delete and create new broadband connection but that didnt help.So I tried to access the GUI of the router.I was able to configure the pppoe on the router but i noticed that i can't access some websites and I don't like it on the GUI.I want it back on my winxp broadband dialer connection! I called DSL tech support but they told me that they would send a technician to reconfigure the modem.They could have just done it over the phone with me! but the stupid operator said that he is not allowed to teach me the steps on how to cofigure it.I tried resetting the modem again but that didnt help.I tried selecting the "bridge"option but that didnt help.Can anyone pls help my broadband dialer connection back? thanks

  4. pahabol...


    since you have an onboard video card, YES, it also uses your physical ram. it takes 4MB of your RAM. i do recommend buying a video card for that matter. :)


    but then, make sure that you also make adjustments to your pagefile. (see previous post)



    I set the page file to 100 ...would that be fine? well the original size was 96.. do i sound stupid that i set it to 100?hahah 1.5 wont take the variable. should i set it higher?

  5. I'm using winxp.I keep getting virtual memory too low msg.I already end task some processes. I have only opened 3 programs MSN.SKYPE and FIREFOX but it's already eating up my CPU usage! I have a lot of free spaces in my computer's memory. Something is eating up the RAM..could it be the video card? I have an on board card..you think it would help if i buy an external card?I also attached a screenshot of my cpu usage.Any advice to free my RAM space???? Thanks in advance ^^ post-73288-1144026802.jpg

  6. I keep getting Virtual Memory too low! I already ended up uneccesary programs in the task tray and system processes .I am only running 3 programs.Mozilla,MSN and SKype and i usually get that stupid msg! Will buying an external video card free up some space in my RAM?

  7. I just want to share my experience.Way back 6 or 8 years ago when we were still living in Malabon,we had this room near our dirty kitchen.My brother used to sleep there in that room.The aura is spooky.It feels heavy when you're inside that room.My brother had several nightmares whenever he sleeps in that room.Then one night, i tried sleeping there.I felt some entity roaming around the room.I didnt see it though but I felt it's presence.I tried to get out of bed but something is pushing me back to go to bed.I couldnt get up.Then I said a little prayer.It finally released me.

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