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Posts posted by general_gogol

  1. Nobody knows abot the legalics of P2P in the Philippines? Last chance before my group moves our site/trackers/servers to China as we have to shut down by the end of next week. That means slow downloads for you all will continue (well not for me ;)).

  2. Quick question of copyright and the ability of Americans to sue me. I am part of a group that used to run a bittorrent website/trackers that is under some leagal pressure by those assholes at the MPAA. I don't have the millions of dollars to fight those whimps. I mean how brave is it for a dozen humgongeous companies to band their money together and threaten to sue individuals? Anyway, I was wondering if I moved my site over to the Philippines, could I suffer legal reprucussions here? We are considering a move over to China where there is no legal issues with shitty American corporations. However, as I live here, I thought itd be nice to bring the site to the Philippines. What I would really like is to be able to host our site in a country where I could do something like this: http://piratebay.org/frame.html and piss all over American legal threats. ;) Thanks for any advice!

  3. I have multiple sims from all three (personal, business, etc) and I have to say I am blown away by Sun's price and service (but Sun did suck big time in Davao). Globe and PLDT's customer service is terrible. I cannot count how many times I've talked to those a**h**** and wished I could crawl through my handyphone and strangle the customer service person I was talking to. :(

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