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johnlove last won the day on December 10 2011

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  1. In Manila, due to the high price of land, the indoor parking options of condo dweller have very steep ramps. Therefore their choices are limited to mid sized SUV, 4x4 pickup light trucks, or compact SUV with no-nonsense AWD like Subaru. But I see more men than women driving Subaru.
  2. stock - boring kaya lang madaling ibenta.
  3. Fix time for regular workout. But, physical movement every hour.
  4. Eat 3 to 4 whole eggs a day, including the yolk. Pork and/or beef - not more that 2 times a week.
  5. Nasa internet na! Google: Bruce Lee 1965 workout routine Bruce Lee is one of the first few martial artist who recognize the importance of weight lifting.
  6. Can't do the second pop without taking a short nap. at 50 muscles starts softening, penis sometimes suddenly softens during sex.
  7. I remember people do that during the 1980's
  8. Bikers please take courses in defensive driving, and get at least a motorcycle license -para iwas sa disgrasya.
  9. Diet suggestion if you are overweight: Brewed coffee WITHOUT sugar/sweeteners/creamer/milk + 2 tablespoon 'Laurin' virgin coconut oil (100% MCT) and 1 slice butter Take that for breakfast and you will last up to noon (lunch is your next meal) without merenda. Coffee - so you won't crave for food 100% MCT Virgin coconut oil and butter = so you will have energy Adding bread or other food destroys the purpose of the diet and makes you crave for more food. This diet lowers blood pressure, lowers blood sugar. Try it!
  10. Child support is bullsh*t, if the child stays with the mother, mother gets the money and teach the kid the bad things about the father.
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