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Posts posted by insomia

  1. just try iphone, the number of apps you can download and movies you can watch will make you happy already. The difference between iphone and the rest is that there are a lot independent apps producers that makes your iphone do so many things that other phones can not. from interactive diaries, smart screen savers to scrabble, the list is long and wide. I just downloaded a talking dictionary that translates the english to spanish, french, jap, and mandarin. They also the game "spore", new game by sim.


    no matter what the other phone claims, they are still just a phone and that is where the big difference lies. iphone is a computer, ipod, itune, phone, camera and psp (portable play station) roled into one. its transforming the hp industry and everyone is just playing catch up. but the problem for the others is the technology iphone uses is patented so it will be very difficult for the other phones to come up with something of the same standard



    once you go apple, you will never go back. I've had one since the first one came out and i've been using it ever since.

  2. the new iphone resolve all issues of the old iphone. sms is no longer a problem unless you have stubby fingers. Forwarding messaging is easy and history detail of sms is very nice. it has push email which is better than black berry because it works with gmail. and the best part, the os is stable. and with so many new apps that you can download, iphone just keeps getting better. its no longer a phone, its a computer :)

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