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Posts posted by maldita_overload

  1. How about the fact that were it not for the assh*le troll, Elsa wouldn't have grown up to be a scared woman - unsure of how to use her amazing, wonderful powers? assh*le troll scared her, and her parents, into confining her into a lonely, sad life.


    But the OST rocks. So yeah.



    Do you like peanuts?

  2. @ms Text speak on this forum, or anywhere else, is ok by me.


    @ilb If I got what you meant correctly, then I would say responding with, "k" to a lenghtly and well thought of text question/message.


    If you had a penny for every bone in your body, how much would you have? 😛

  3. @lemon I'm very paranoid about getting caught with things like that, so I generally do not put anything that I am not to bring, in my luggage.


    @chippy I don't smoke anymore; but in the past, I've favored disposable ones, mainly because I can never seem to keep a lighter. I always lose it at the end of the day.



    Jam, with peanut butter or just butter? On toast or plain white bread?

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