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Posts posted by wWw.ExTraRiCe.CuM

  1. It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.

  2. "iloveyou"-the hard part i think is keeping those words for urself without letting someone know how much he/she means to you.. though for some, it's not a big deal... but i think saying those words would ease the burden :goatee:




    rejection makes some people afraid to let someone know their real feelings..


    some are having difficulty saying "i love you" because they are avoiding the "i'm sorry" thing.. hehehe. :P

  3. dear lord,


    you know what my heart desires...

    you what my mind been wanting everyday....


    thank you for everything you have given me yesterday...

    and thank you for everything that you will give me today...

    thank you for my future that you have planned and designed for me..


    lord, bless those who are travelling today... bless those who travels thru

    sea, land, air... please bring them home safe to their families... bless them

    to be safe all the time...


    as we start for another beautiful day that you gave us, please forgive us your sins



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