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Posts posted by LastHombre

  1. I love the internet. It takes away the hangups and prejudices. Don’t have to worry about people who can make your life miserable or are small-minded and bigoted. So can either ignore them or tell them what you really think without them knowing your real identity.

    In person I am a lot more low profile and cautious. Otherwise it can be a losing battle dealing with those in power and/or are corrupt.


    My internet persona is the real me

  2. Both are needed but not necessarily at the same time. For example we are sometimes blown away by a instantaneous attraction. A look or a word that really excites us. “a WOW I’d like to f**k that” reaction. It’s not the same as love. It’s more animal instinct initially. It may go no further or it may develop into love over time.


    Conversely we may fall in love fairly quickly but only after getting to know thst person a lot better would the sexual relationship commence. Not a WOW initially but a realisation that “I really like that person and want to spend more time together”


    Every case is different


    Love makes the world go around

    Sex makes the world go in and out

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