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Posts posted by J-A-Y

  1. i have a 15-inch powerbook g4. it sucks. mom bought it for christmas. ugh!! stay with ibm-pc's, guys. they offer more bang for the buck. my notebook's gathering dust and it's only two weeks old. i've a p4 3ghz with rdram setup. it's more than enough for my needs. for mobile computing, i rely on a gateway.

  2. i read in a motoring segment of a broadsheet that a good way to conserve fuel on a drive is by switching off the engine on an empty stretch. make sure it's safe to, it said. nothing could've been more idiotic. suppose your tire blows out? or all four at the same time in a freak occurence? your braking system's hydraulics won't be there to help you. can't believe that contributor even wrote that article. this was a 'test-drive' of an auv (not as stable as sedans) brand-new model measuring its efficiency. sure, save on gas while imperiling your life as well. hello? drive defensively at all times, remember? stupid writer.

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