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Posts posted by CPA

  1. we always hear others (foreigners specially) praise us filipinos for being a very welcoming and hospitable people.


    truly, we go out of our way to make sure our guests are comfortable, we show them our best behavior, treat them to the best food, the best room in the house, etc. etc. --- we all know the drill.


    but i got to thinking: are we hospitable because we feel inferior? is hospitality the result of a difference in social rank?


    do we treat others whom we feel beneath us the same way? example: if the family of your katulong came to spend the night, would you give them the guest room?


    note that in countries like france and australia, they're not as hospitable as we are. is it because the french and the australians feel superior to us?


    what do u think?


    I think being colonized by other countries for hundred of years made an impact to our society even today.

    Most people feel inferior whenever there are foreigners around.


    Ask yourself this: if a stranger ask you for money versus a local. I bet you will consider giving to a foreigner more right?

    This is because there is a much bigger chance that the foreigner is somehow rich in your subconscious and could potentially gave a reward.

    Welcome to the third world but this is how we see white people in general. I hope someday this will not be the case.

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