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Posts posted by stalkatib

  1. got a question for all you lawyers out there....


    what is the deifinition of estafa? If somebody offered you a card guranteeing you free services sessions from a personal care business that was going to be put up by that person. You bought that card because you were promised that the business is about to open in a less than a month. However, a month passed and the bussiness was still not open. Another date was promised for the opening of the place. Again the shop did not open on the promised date and a new target opening date is set. This thing kept on happening such that it's been more than 5 months already and the establishment hasn't oppened. You formally lodged a complaint and demand a refund but you were not granted a refund. The owner still claims that the business will open soon.


    Can I go to court and file an estafa charge against this guy? What will be my chances in winning the law suit?

    Are there other charges that I could file? What if I ask other customers who also bought the card and file a class suit? Will my chances of winning increase?


    Hope you can enlighten me on this case as I've already had it with the owner of this joint.

  2. opinion lang po...


    mahal masyado ang sony. Price per performance I go for canon! List out the specs that you want and then list the models of Sony and Canon that meet the specs chances sa Canon may makukuha that meets your needs at a significantly less price than what Sony has to offer. btw Memory stick sucks! unless all out Sony ka hindi mo puwedeng i-reuse yung memory stick for other devices. I like compact flash or sd cards.


    try niyo rin sa ibang brands. (Nikon, kodak, Olypus, Pentax, etc.) hindi ako sure kung ok yung performance but they do have models that will suit your needs at a price that less than what Sony and Canon have to offer. But if kung gusto niyo yung medyo tried and tested na brand go for Canon.

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