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Posts posted by kilawin

  1. Face the mirror and say your above mentioned quotation to yourself,stupid :angry: I dont have anything to explain to you because you know nothing. All you care about is who's the no. 1 model/gro/attendant in those sleazy beerjoints and massage parlors.That's the only thing you're good at, moron. I bet that you dont even understand what a TKO in boxing is,right? GRO is the only acronym that you understand. Kung pareho mo rin lang ang magdi- defend kay Pacquiao..nevermind....How pathetic.......you're a disgrace to our race......To the mods...i hope you wont delete this post para di off topic kuno......Mabuhay si pacquiao :thumbsupsmiley:



    You will NEVER reach what the Pacman accomplished even if you live twice. Youre not half a man compared to him so better take up my challeng and go 5 rounds with me. PM me for the details you sorry excuse for a man.

  2. Face the mirror and say your above mentioned quotation to yourself,stupid :angry: I dont have anything to explain to you because you know nothing. All you care about is who's the no. 1 model/gro/attendant in those sleazy beerjoints and massage parlors.That's the only thing you're good at, moron. I bet that you dont even understand what a TKO in boxing is,right? GRO is the only acronym that you understand. Kung pareho mo rin lang ang magdi- defend kay Pacquiao..nevermind....How pathetic.......you're a disgrace to our race......To the mods...i hope you wont delete this post para di off topic kuno......Mabuhay si pacquiao :thumbsupsmiley:



    You will reach what the Pacman accomplished even if you live twice. Youre not half a man compared to him so better take up my challeng and go 5 rounds with me. PM me for the details you sorry excuse for a man.

  3. haha.. you got that right... hmmm in a relationship? hmmm... let's just say it's complicated... am i good in bed? that's for me to know...  :boo:  nakow..mayayare aku sa pag sagot ko.. bwahahahaha... i don't swallow... and i choose to answer...  :lol:


    Hmm... They say if you really love the guy you can swallow anything. Have you tried it in the backdoor?

  4. This is precisely the problem dude. Politicians are politicians. They will feast on anythng that will will give them advantage/media mileage. Manny has to learn to play his cards. Stay away from this zombies.Concentrate on fighting..........confine himself within  his world.........sports and not politics. By doing that .......it will be less controversial and he will earn more the respect of critical thinking Filipinos.


    And who are you to tell "the Pacman" what to do? Be a better man first before handing your opinion so people here will listen to you. SINO KA BA? This is the problem for most uneducated filipinos, they cant help to meddle on someone else's affair. Let me leave you by saying...

    -Great people talk about ideas.

    -Average people talk about things and,

    -Small people talk about... other people.

  5. oist kilawin... why'd you ask? gagawan mo ako ng gown? anyways


    vtals - 36-25 (pumayat aku!!!  :lol: ) and secret..lols.. nah i dunno eh... pero ganyan ung range nya


    height? 5'6

    weight? - 115 bs? malay ko.. walang timbangan d2 eh  :lol:


    You must have j-lo's booty! are u in a relationship(serious) now? Are you good in bed? Spit or swallow? You can choose not to answer if its too personal. Thanks.

  6. The so called Pacquiao victory celebration is nothing but a reflection of how rotten Philippine society is. Those vulture like politicians roaming around him is sickening to say the least. The first gentleman whispering sweet nothings to his wife on national television almost made me vomit. Chavit Singson bragging about his bet ( 20 million pesos daw) while the poor ilocano tobacco farmers continue to languish in poverty is distasteful. The guy should be in prison together with his former pal ERAP for god's sake!!! and yet ... there he was enjoying his stay in a 5 star hotel in the company of many other corrupt politicos. While people are busy in anticipation of this "battle", Shell and the rest of the oil companies increased prices of petrolium products whis is another blow to Juan Dela Cruz :angry:  :angry: . While enjoying the euphoria of "winning" a DH abroad ( which by the way are the real heroes of this great nation) is about to be beheaded and his father cant get there because according to DFA, we have no money!!!! How ironic!!! Senator Lapid and almost half of congress have the gull to spend an enormous amount of money to watch the fight and yet our government cannot provide a round trip ticket to a grieving OCW father. :thumbsdownsmiley: The domination of media mogul ABS-CBN stopping other smaller networks and media outlets of what is supposed to be a "fight for our nation" is another example of class A1 injustice.


    But the saddest thing is that the Pacman is not only the willing victim of this hypocracy....but the main player. To me , his statement about he fought first and foremost for the country is hypocracy at its highest form. His call for unity is as bullshit as they come.Tell it to the marines pacman boy!!! If he is really after the unity of our people, he should not have given ABS-CBN exclusive rights to his fight because that alone has caused a massive divisiveness. He should stop acting like a hero and a saviour because he is not. Stop rubbing elbows with these politicians. Just concentrate on fighting in the ring and avoid all of those "makabayan pa epek". He just bought a car in the US and is planning to bring it here. Im sure we will not charge him its corresponding tax because he is a HERO!!!


    Manny Pacquiao Phenomenon is nothing but a "short live fantasy" that consumes the psyche of the Filipino People...........being fed by the media and the government especially to the poor.... to give us temporary ecstacy!!! Its like a sweet pill to make us forget the bitter reality that confronts our society.This government will suck this issue up to the very end......they will continue to feed us moments of victory....Senator Revilla is even proposing a non working holiday to welcome the PACMAN which is both unfair ( to other winning athletes )and absurd (but what can you expect from an absentee senator)........Its like those dementors in Harry Potter movies(in reverse) ....they will feast on the newfound happiness of our people.....to make us forget the real issue on hand.......the harsh reality of poverty, inequality and a corrupt government. PWEH :thumbsdownsmiley:


    Care to go 5 rounds with me? Pamapapawis lang and feed you all the bullshit youve been writing here.

    To everyone else. Pacman is definitely a sportshero, as long as he's winning, but once father time catches up on him, it's all downhill from thereon end.

  7. err...puro manyak. naclick ko sa dating forum

    nasinsalihan ko.


    e nung nagsisimula pa lang MTC puro adult

    lang talaga ang thread. nung bumalik lang ako

    last year, laking improvements.


    First impression really do last and about the so called improvements, they are just decorations to mislead members (old & new) into thinking that this is a respectable on-line community.

  8. Uhmmm...excuse you!!! :blink:


    I have to meet you first and see if I get turned on! :evil:


    If not then there's no WETTING happening. Hahaha![/b][/color] :lol:


    Thanks for your honest answer gorgeous! Love your hair and those DSLs! *Blink*Blink*

    Just one more, can u tell us your height and weight na din?

  9. 10 User(s) are reading this topic (0 Guests and 0 Anonymous Users)

    10 Members: bratty_bernice, ngneer_hk, chantall, Design, kilawin, [admin]river, Neo34, Irog, deejay_capslock, Crystalmare


    ...Hey you guys!!!


    ...lurking around I see.


    Hehehe! :P

    It's almost 1:OO, have to go back to work and you still havent answered my querry..

    just read the question below my avatar gorgeous!

  10. I guess that impression reveals your frequent watering hole......MTC has other rooms and topics to offer......


    Those are just fronts to cover the reality of what MTC is all about. MTC is a money making venture and sex is it's prime commodity. How can the members here be so blind to the fact that MTC is demonic to say the least.

  11. If i knew her as a virgin before then found out later that she's no longer "pure" because of a previous relationship, the first thing that came out of my mouth was "p*taH KA BA!?!" pardon me for the girls reading, but even i didn't expect i would react that way.

    Other relationships I had where i knew they were no longer virgins was Ok for me. I guess, Ignorance Is Bliss.

  12. Most of these men who beat up their wife/gf are "sick". They were brought of from a family that beat women. It is safe to conclude that they grew up seeing their father beat up their mom and is emotinally scarred for life. So, to all the girls out there, be sure you get to know the family background of your suitors before committing in a serious relationship which might not end up... happily everafter

  13. And so I'd say: If you knew that the guy has a gf and you caused that break up, chances are it can happen to you as well. So stop fooling yourself and hope that he will change for you. Remember this: "ang relasyon na nag umpisa sa mali, mali talaga."


    But if you really like that person, what would you do? Just supress whatever your feeling and hopes it goes away? Can you live with that? For me, LIFE is all about taking chances.

  14. Here you go again with your insensetive comments. This is totally distasteful!!! Where are the feminists of MTC? We are living in a democracy where husband's and wive's are on equal footing. Cheating is cheating.There must be no exception.


    C'mon you have tried cheating with your better half? Don't you want to have the best of both world? Admit it, us guys wants to have our cake and eat it too! You are as HYPOCRITE as the guy who posted about Christ and forgiveness.

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