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    Good food. Good book. Scotch.

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  1. message the thera, iba iba rates nila for outcall
  2. coming from an ex-gf. I was asking her to pursue continuing whatever we had at that time: she said, "We can continue this... however it will be because I pity you." ugh, that hit hard. ha ha Karma is a bitch.
  3. walang ambisyon. had an ex-gf. haciendera but without drive. had no clue what to do with her future. at the start, masarap kasama. panay travel and sex namin. however, later on she'd be too reliant on me for making decisions with here career, her future. became clingy. kapagod. cut her loose.
  4. she was my second gf. it was really the smart thing to do, to break up. non chinese would never be accepted sa family nya. after the break up, gathered my buddies and had drinks. college life pa noon kaya beer lang at gilligans. for the next 4 or 5 years, fubu lang mga sumunod. sarap ng period na 'to.
  5. back in college during gimmick nights, my friend and I would sometimes play a game of close but no cigar with chicks. we'd cozy up to ladies we don't know (had to be one for each of us, the girls have to be friends too). flirt our way to sealing the deal. to seal the deal would mean, inviting the ladies to come home with us. Rule was, we had to hear from each other that the chick was coming with us back to wherever (dorm, motel, etc.). BUT, at the last moment, we would immediately call it off with the women. saying whatever excuses. instantly you'd see disappointment in their faces like they were already expecting getting laid that night. complete let down. we were really just practicing our pick up skills. fast forward 20 years: i'm having a solo night. sound trip to the wkends. awhile ago it was opm. ubos na merlot. went down sa ref, may bukas na single malt, so tuloy. no pulutan, ha ha. luvin the night.
  6. soul mate will not always turn out to be the right person you end up marrying.
  7. solo gimick, here at music room. ubos na Merlot still listening to OPM luvin the night. not sure mag bukas pa ng isa pang bote (nanghinayang lang kung hindi maubos, sayang freshness of unopened bottle, ha ha).
  8. "I'm sorry" So what I do is alter it para easier for me. So I use: - I would like to ask for your pardon - I made a mistake. I hope you'll pardon me. - I made a mistake and I have upset you ... I made a mistake. Please allow me to correct my error ...
  9. Did it once. I was single and the girl had a boyfriend. I flirted with the girl and eventually got into her pants. Daming beses may nangyari. I think the bf knew but for some reason just let her get her way. This went on for more than a year. Booty call lang talaga. My bad.
  10. Proud flirt here I actually like practicing small talk as opportunity arises. Secretaries, sales ladys, clients, etc.
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