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Arkitek Sprikitik

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Posts posted by Arkitek Sprikitik

  1. Pero nowadays pag kailangan ko ng venue to work on deadlines and nasa daan pa ako, sogo kesa coffeeshop, me cable and porn pa hahaha...pag akyat ko elevator me kasabay ako chicks kasama, taka sila ako magisa tapos laptop at gamit dala hahaha...

  2. Trip ko dati itatapat ko tenga ko sa pader pakinggan ko yung ingay sa kabilang kuwarto, kasi minsan dinig mo ang tv e, so puede na dinig din bakbakan nyo hahaha...tsaka ok sa sogo puede mo aralin kung tama moves mo sa salamin sa side hehehe...


    Trip ko dati itatapat ko tenga ko sa pader pakinggan ko yung ingay sa kabilang kuwarto, kasi minsan dinig mo ang tv e, so puede na dinig din bakbakan nyo hahaha...tsaka ok sa sogo puede mo aralin kung tama moves mo sa salamin sa side hehehe...

  3. Got billed an amount almost equivalent to 5 times what should be my bill. I applied for a downgrade last February, but instead, upon getting my bill, various OTHER conflicting plans were included in my bill, patong patong na plans. Be happy, be SMART.

  4. Sun's signal sucks even while riding a moving vehicle. The signal strength varies at every turn and length of road traveled.


    But it still got me to save up on my globe bill, where I dramatically reduced by 2/3s my normal monthly globe bill when I got Sun as a secondary phone.

  5. [i'm trying to get people's opinion about what course to take. I am thinking of taking a course that would give me a chance to go abroad. Got friends who are already abroad because of IT and Nursing. I've pretty much saved enough to study again but I really don't know what to take...do you guys have any opinions?


    I'm actually taking a short course in Web Development but I'm still on the wall whether I should delve more into it or take another course. Help! <_< :unsure:


    Siguro as yourself first what you want to do in your day to day activities, do you like the company of people, then nursing it is.. if you feel comfortable in front of the PC inside a cubicle for 8 hours, then IT it is...


    As for me i would like to take up fine arts, animation or film. I have had enough of the scientific / engineering and business side of Architecture, bring me back to the world of artistic expression!

  6. Remember bayonet training? Di ba me "k*ll!!!!" na sigaw pag magta-thrust ng bayonet? Nung una, yung officer sa microphone, nauuna, "k*ll!!!". E nung tapos na turn nya ang pumalit na officer ang sigaw, "keeell!!!", sigawan kami, "keeell!!!".


    Ayun, lahat ng officers at cadete sa Sunken naka-pushup positions.



  7. If I take public transit to work:


    Bus fare to train network = $1.50

    Train to the East Bay = $4.50

    Tran back = $4.50

    Bus back = $1.50


    Subtotal = $12.00

    Travel time total = ~3 hours

    Travel time differential vs driving if billed as 'wasted time' = ~$115.00

    Total cost when taking public transit = $127.00

    If I drive to work:


    ~30 total miles to work @ 24mpg @ $3.00/gallon = $3.75

    Daily parking = $4.00

    ~30 total miles back = $3.75

    Bridge toll = $4.00

    Amortized cost of car ownership (taxes, fees, insurance, maintenance, depreciation, etc) for that day = ~$35.00


    Subtotal = $50.50

    Travel time total = ~1.5 hours (yes, even with traffic)

    "Savings" versus taking public transit = $76.50

    Seem people may look askance at the above and balk at the fact that I would choose to include the differential in time used between public transit and driving. However, I think it's a valid assertion in that I end up having to "use" an additional 1.5 hours if I took public transit. This could be 1.5 hours I can bill to my employer in actually productive time. Conversely, it could be 1.5 hours of quality-of-life time (extra sleep, extra time with family/friends, hobby time, etc), which is effectively priceless. Sure driving costs more if you don't factor that in, but how many people can actually say they 'enjoy' having to use up an extra 1.5 hours of THEIR time waiting for the bus / train / jeepney (which in all cases except the train would require you to be in the same traffic anyway)? Wouldn't you rather get paid for it (which you would if you were working that time instead of twiddling your thumbs at the stop), or enjoy it?


    And yes, it's the dirty little secret that never gets figured in to commuting equation. Don't get me wrong, the moment my public transit commute is equal to (or less!) my driving commute, I'd gladly switch to public transit. Sadly, that's not the case in most of the US outside of Manhattan.


    That being said, I typically take the bus when taking a jaunt downtown since that does end up being more efficient cost-wise.


    I agree with the economic benefits of having the chance to save on time for more work and personal convenience. We only have to factor in the environmental cost in aspiring for our own personal mode of transport. Thank God people are developing cars that can help reduce environmental degradation. Aside from cars though, I just wish the Government (here in the PI) on their end would further improve on public mode of transportation, so that we (the non-driving population) can afford to gain, even for just a little, of what our friend above enjoys.


    As for me, I spend Php 7.00 one way home to work, then vice versa, so that Php14.00. I can't afford to ride a bike, the slopes of Diliman will k*ll my legs. :lol:

  8. I wake up, swear in a moderate volume that I only had a few hours sleep, shift my position on the bed (such as rotate 180 degrees), or go to the sofa or to another bed, then fall asleep again for another 30 minutes.

  9. i have been a client of metrobank over 15 years. never bounced a check, never stopped a check payment. i had a comercial checking account. i had this problem with BPI as narrated but was able to settle it with no problems. i paid the full amount in 2002 after they gave in to my demand. (they didnt want to reverse some charges and they started compounding interests which they hoped that i will give in and pay them) but i didnt and i got my way (i paid in full all my atual purchases). anyways, i applied for a metrobank visa recently and was rejected after i think was a credit investigation and they rejected my application. i asked them for a reason and they said if was confidential.


    i closed my account right after the words left the managers mouth.



    Nice move, in their face ang dating, I can almost imagine the scene in my head.


    I have credit cards in case of emergency, like biglaang gimik na hindi matanggihan. :thumbsupsmiley:

  10. How is it, please?


    I plan to take up Urban Planning and Environmental Engineering, too.



    Sorry for the late reply...the URP program is geared towards government planning, but it can still be applicable for the private sector...its more development planning na rin in the sense na hindi lang sha physical or architectural planning (as perceived by many), but also encompasses other disciplines. Had classmates who came from non-planning related backgrounds such as Interior Design, Tourism, Humanities. Mejo generalist ang approach din, it only lays out for you what to expect and what to consider when doing Urban and Regional Planning. It's understandable though, kasi masters is not the same as undergrad na mejo me spoonfeeding. Dito its all up to you to work on your projects.

  11. UP or UST..

    basta gusto ko magarki..

    tapos next stop eh either NUS o HARVARD.. :lol:




    UP Arki ka na lang. To give you an idea, since I have the chance to see the design prowess of both (although many a-UP or UST architect would disagree or agree): UP Arki is more on project management, theory and design, while UST focuses on presentation and design. UP can handle macro-level architectural and urban development, while UST focuses on total building design.


    Then go into Urban and Regional Planning!!!


    I'm an Architect, but before I went into UP Arki, my first choice was UP Fine Arts, where the cool people are! Sayang, hindi ako pumasa sa talent exam hehehe...UP Conservatory of Music would have been nice, pero you need to have talent na agad para makapasok, and dadaan ka sa butas ng karayom daw sa interview and talent exams.

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