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Posts posted by qwerty098123

  1. Yep. Young back then and impulsive. I two timed my ex girlfriend with my defense of her not having enough time for me. She is studying that time while I was working. Met a fling and eventually had a relationship with her thinking this girl loves me because she is giving me so much of her time. Eventually it went south in a bad way. Some of my friends bad mouthed at me and at that time I don't care.

    Fast forward I tried to focus on myself and pursued medicine same as my ex girlfriend. I find myself on her shoes always cramming and not having enough time for everything. 

    Now on my residency. Was able to make amends with my friends but not with my ex.

    I feel I'm at the top of my game but in reality, I still have this chink in the armor wherein I don't have the balls to speak with that ex of mine. I said sorry before but I know I am not that sincere compared to now. oh well hopefully its not too late.                                    


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