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JB Ellis

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Status Updates posted by JB Ellis

  1. it’s going to be a great day!

    1. potpot mo to

      potpot mo to

      visit kana po miloves

  2. how can i make my day better?

  3. extended summer is what it is, with this kind of heat.

  4. a break from the scorching heat. a little rain to cool things up a bit.

  5. i am in need of a really good / relaxing massage.

  6. stressful moment a while ago. brought someone to the airport but accidentally left the luggage

  7. Happy M Day everyone.

  8. finally! i can now view some of the attached files and post more stuff. access to certain stuff now available with my current statis. thank you MTC.

  9. is there a forum/thread/topic that discusses terminologies and acronyms used in here? need help with a lot if them, newbie here.

  10. how does a member get full access? be able to reply/post unlimited number of times. because i keep getting notified that “i am not authorised/permitted to do tha”

  11. is there any group/thread out there that’s still active?

  12. wondering if there is still anyone out there that can make joining this community still worthwhile

  13. is there a group/thread that’s still active that newbies can join?

  14. mtc... probably made my boring social life a bit more interesting.

  15. hoping to get me some ninja moves today.

  16. hmmnn... still a long way to go b4 i can view attached images.

  17. why cant i view some of the attached pics?

    1. polgazarfarf


      50 posts are required for you to see attached images on the thread.


      Happy hobbying! Cheers!

    2. JB Ellis

      JB Ellis

      oh ok. whew! that’s a lot.

    3. JB Ellis

      JB Ellis

      does sending a message / replying to a user, commenting... etc. count as a post? or is it only status updates that counts? my apologies for asking too much. i really am new here. thank you for understanding

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