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Posts posted by mach10

  1. sheeeeeett, thought this rat is dead. guess it's true, rats r as hardcore as cockroaches. they never go away. so waddup boo? thought u ditched me, biatch? gotta say i miss our conversations. don't like s*ckin me schlong? awwww, c'mon dawg...being a fag that u r. know u luv that. bout some hairy sweaty balls egot? actually, u disappoint me. that's all u gotta say to ur kababayans abroad after all that smart talk? tsk tsk tsk. pare, just like u, we're here to stay. look at u..."i'm on an island with a wireless internet...wooohooo! i'm such a looooseeeerrr! me gots a wireless broadband! wooohhooo!" uuumm yah, u're really special, uh huh. that's the last thing i would do on vacation. why don't u cum over here in guam where there's quiet a few of our kabayans who want to whoop u ass. it's only a few clicks east of our motherland. i'm here till monday.


    well, gotta go fly my truck. gotta make some moh cash..CA-CHING! u enjoy that island, i hope u're far enough from the Abu Sayyaf. NOOOTTT! so long c@ck suckahhh...braker braker over over!

  2. Just because my vocal loathing for you balikbayans stings you jump to conclusions that:


    1. I hate Americans. I do not. But neither do I have any fondness for them or their culture or their way of life.

    2. I am jealous of your lot. I have been there. I worked at Apple Computer in Sta Clara in the mid-80s. I asked to be moved back to Asia. I was responsible for introducing and installing Macintosh computers then considered rich men's toys as poor publisher's typesetting and page layout systems. I dare say I was a success in your country of exile ahead of you. You think you live a better life than I do in the Philippines? I retired at 42. I'm 48. You still working? My son just left for graduate school in Sophia University in Tokyo. Where does your son go? I hope not some second rate community college in the seedy part of leatherneck suburbia. My daughter attends Assumption College which is a small school that has produced two presidents from opposing political fences. Do you kids go to any schools that have produced a president? No? How many dog catchers then?

    3. The Philippines, going backwards? That's what you like to think to justify your self-imposed exile. And living with a glass ceiling over your career path, infifnitely more pollution and cancer causing stuff around you not to mention the discrimination that is not supposed to be there is proof positive that the only reason you could not take more steps backward is that wall you have pressing against your arse. You've got nowhere to go now bub.

    4. You don't like to hear any talk about the US getting snowed by another country? Start reading the papers. Invest a little in your education and buy the Financial Times of London. Its that wide newspaper with the pink pages. They talk about the European Community almost everyday and how the Euro is slaughtering the US dollar in the world market. So why can't that happen in Asia?

    5. The Philippines may not be big enough to take on the US but we're getting at you guys and we're getting you where it hurts. Ever heard of outsourcing? That's an industry that been growin at the rate 60% for the past five years in the Philippines. You know where the growth is coming from? You guessed it! Your good old US of A! Your American companies are pink-slipping your workers and giving their jobs to Filipinos who can do it better for cheaper and yet earn enough to match a bank manager's salary and standard of living. Oh, don't worry, we're only getting your service and customer-oriented jobs. The technical jobs like computer programming and design, that's all running away from the US and going to India. That's in Asia too you know. And then there are the American hospitals constantly begging your INS to allow increased hiring quotas for nurses and hospital staff. Don't worry, in a few months you'll hear of more US healthcare accredited and certified hospitals in Manila so American patients can just go to the Philippines for medical treatment? If you think that's far fetched then you deserve being where you are because it is already happening.

    6. Sure the Philippines has shortcomings especially when you measure it by the yardsticks of American life and culture. America would have shortcomings too if measured by Philippine standards. Why you guys are still in the dark ages when it comes to measurement standards! I guess you have to buy petrol by the gallon because US made cars are so badly made and inefficient. Why, brand new Expeditions and Explorers in Manila are sold at bargain basement prices compared to smaller models from Japan.

    7. I am not asking you to give a f*ck about what I think. This is a discussion board. and when you do react to what I write in whatever way, I've got news for you--you gave a f*ck.

    8. Neither am I asking you to kiss my sorry ass because if you do it would be really sorry and seriously insulted. And that's not even mentioning the affront made on the stuff that likes to pass through it on a regular basis. I am glad you brought up the subject of not willing to kiss it. Thank you. I owe you.

    9. If ever I do pick up a placard (a sign would say something like "no parking") and picket airport immigration counters, it would not stop you from leaving, it would say "good riddance" or "thank you for removing your carcass from my country."

    10. You can come back here anytime as Americans or ex-Filipinos after all we even sometimes make the mistake of letting terrorists in but not with such dire results as the Americans when they goof on this point. And if it makes your lola happy, why, I'd be happy for her. That means she is hale, and healthy and continues to be blessed with intestinal fortitude.

    11. As for being treated like a king, that's the first reason you left remember?

    12. I'm am sorry this took so long. I was trying to pull my punches. But go right ahead and show me how long your arms are. I bet they reach all the way to your knees huh? It does, doesn't it? C'mon, you can tell us all,  that way, you can make any mistake and even make a fool of yourself and we'll just ascribe it to an aberration of Darwinin theory.



    u r one bad motha! dang i luv this board. so, u used to be one of us? that explains it. congratulations on the retirement by the way. i wonder if it was really the trasfer thing that brought u home. maybe u gots fired by apple for being such a jackass. or ur animosity towards americans cuz they r better than u. couldn't get the promotion, eh? whatever dude, maybe u just suck at what u do. yah, thanx in return for getting ur carcass out of my country. and now u wanna know where my kids go to school? WTF! i could care less where urs go to school. huh? what? assumption what? i went to school that produced snoop dog biatch! first of all i'm 26 and have no kids. happily married to a nurse practitioner who didn't have to go through the INS. and yes i work and absolutely luv it. i'm livin my dream of flying for FEDEX. retire @ 42? hell no even if i wanted to. i'll keep flyin till they force me @ 60. this is what i luv to do and i ma keep doin it. not like u who sit all day long thumbing ur ass. so, what else u wanna know bout me? my favorite color? u wanna bash on the US? u're wasting ur time cuz i know all bout it in this board. i just go to the china thread. it's manilatonight dawg! people talk trash bout the US...that's why i'm here cuz i like the discussion. it's boring out in the pro-american forums. i've read it all... the dollar decline, outsourcing, terrorism, and what have yous. all dat stuff u said? it's old news buddy. don't ask me to read up cuz dat's all i do @ 35000 ft. and i don't cry over it cuz at the end of the day, it boils down to what's best for me and my family. i know dat goes the same for u. all that stuff u wrote is just for publicity, u don't really care bout all dat trash. or do u? then consider urself a low life cuz dat's what u r. u wanna compare lifestyles? come look @ my last paycheck if dat's what u want.


    point being, irregardless of whether i'm a balikbayan, kano, traitor, hero or what...i'm goin back there to see my grandparents and relatives and nobody is gonna stop me. u got a problem with dat? we can settle it outside foo. and yah... i'm 5'11" with loooong arms and legs. i also have something that goes past my knees and u can cum suck it anytime. IT'S LIKE DAT!

  3. to the great & witty boomouse: you sir are biased towards balikbayans because 1, you hate the americans, and 2, i think a lot of it is just plain jealousy towards those who made the trek out and have better lives than you do. 3, you feel threatened because the PI (yeah that's right...PI) is going backwards while the rest of your neighbors from the east are running away trying to "eat the US alive". i'd rather hear u say your country is out to get the yanks rather than using china, japan, taiwan as punchlines and as a shield for your insecurity. so, instead of blaming your brothers (who did what they had to do for their family) for the shortcomings of your country, i suggest you pick up a sign and stand guard by the immigration counter @ NAIA and tell us why we shouldn't leave the country. or, you can shut your pie-hole and watch the mass exodus in an embassy near you. either way, i don't give a f*ck about what you think of the US and the balikbayans because we're out here doing what's good for our family. and when you say we're not welcome back there and that we're not filipinos, that's cool dude cuz i'm not going there to kiss your sorry ass, i'm there to see my lolo & lola where they treat me like a king. and i know for sure most filipinos do not share your point of view. so, if you gonna come out swinging against us...bring it on BIATCH! yeah, it's like that!

  4. yo! boomouse. be cool dude. don't be no playah-hatah. why you busting our chops for being a bunch of whiners? what the heck did we do to get you all pissed off besides whinin' and gripin'. obviously, you're very patriotic and proud of your status-quo in PI. i'll give you a standing O for that. what i'm trying to say is, instead of bashing your fellow "filipino blood-bothers&sisters" in here...slap em' upside their heads next time you see a whiner and tell em' to cowboy up...they're in your country now. so that they'll know they ain't gettin no luv from you. and whatever grudge you got against us , put a lid on it dude...you got other things to worry about.


    later my BROTHER IN BLOOD

  5. So why does everybody I know back there wanna ditch PI and go somewhere else? I wonder why there are so many nursing students? And do you all know how many mail-order brides are out on the net trying to score to they can jam out of PI? Balikbayans are not the only ones complaining. Everytime I go back there, it seemed like people are always whining about the same exact sh!t the balikbayans whine about. Traffic, pollution, no jobs, the gov't sucks, it's scorching hot, PAL is always late...sh!t like that. Unless you're livin the high life like Boomouse...life can suck hard back there.

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