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Posts posted by Innocentbystander

  1. I got hosed this past week. Absolutely hosed. A 4-10 record puts me at 75-55 for the year and unceremoniously begins the back-end of the season (It also comes on the heels of me getting record numbers of google searches for "nfl picks"). Doesn't really surprise me, however, because making picks is more than just looking at stats and trends. The teams still have to play the game and there are intangibles that sway outcomes in all different directions. Anyways, enough excuses. Next week I will return to picking winners.


    - The Brownies did it again. My heart has been ripped out so many times I shouldn't bother trying to put it back in. Somebody please help Jeff Garcia by CATCHING A BALL IN THE ENDZONE. Shea letting that ball go off his hands and into Reed's for that 106 yard return made me sick to my stomach. Jeff is doing everything and more to help us win and yet he keeps getting no support from his teammates.

    - Tuna hit it right on the head when he said his team was dumb. You'd have to be to make all those mistakes and get thumped by the Bungles.

    - I don't get the NY Giants. The same team doesn't show up every week. Five turnovers, over 100 penalty yards, allowing a rookie QB on a shaky team to throw touchdowns like he's an old pro. They wasted a perfect opportunity to close-in on the lead the Eagles had on the division.

    - Even though the Chargers are winning, I'm not buying the Drew Brees hype. Call me a pessimist, call me ignorant, I don't care. I just don't see this guy as a top NFL QB by the time the season ends. Let's see if he proves me wrong.

    - Peyton Manning is still the man. I can't say enough about how amazing he's playing. If you saw that left-handed shovel pass last night you know what I'm talking about.

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