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Posts posted by bambina

  1. hi pasimple :)


    i truly understand the need to bury the past. after all, its nothing. done and over with, diba? and what more, it becomes even more scary if you're really scared of losing the potential wifey.


    then again, even if its in the past, it is part of you. and i don't know for a guy but for a woman, at least me, its important to really know the man i love. i know, its really hard to lose the trust, but with sincere effort it can be regained (i can see the raisde eyebrows but yes, it can)


    and about burying the past, do you sincerely believe the love your life wifey will never know, ever? i know of a couple, really loves each other, very sweet. 15 yrs into the marriage the wife finds out, the wife thinks, my golly! who was the guy i was with the last 15 yrs?! i never really knew him! sakit diba...


    now if you want to take the short cut and not go through the whole lot before hand and maybe gamble on the future, that's another story and ofcourse a decision you are free to make.


    yun lang po :D

  2. pasimple, it's case to case basis... of HOW YOU SAY IT....and NOT WHAT YOU SAY....  :)


    The interpretatio of what was said would really depend on the treatment of the manner you communicate... we should lay it down..... YOU WOULD GAUGE HOW MUCH SHE LOVES YOU IF SHE IS WOULD BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND THINGS AND ACCEPT YOU INSPITE OF AND DESPITE OF.....  :)

    o sige tulungan mo naman ako sexy legs ....


    let's us say theoritically, that there are 3 things i need to tell my partner ...


    a) one may anak ako sa iba ... before kami naging partner. very young then. both the

    parents nilayo kami sa isa't isa. so it became just a forgotten dream.


    B) had a one night stand with her best friend. spur of the moment. outing sa beach. ang ganda nang buwan. malibog... este mabilog ang buwan.


    c) had an affair with her college best friend. became fu** Bu** first and then had a strong affection with each other.



    So .. HOW CAN I SAY IT ... and WHAT I CAN NOT SAY.


    pili ka kahit isa dyan ... will she be able to understand the situation ... in spite of ... and despite of .... or will she give up on me ?

    sorry ha, not sexy_legs but just can't help but comment :rolleyes:


    let's just say that you didn't tell her

    then she makes a decision

    then won't that decision be based on the wrong foundation?

    then what if you tell her and she does accept you

    isn't that relationship all the more special because there are no more skeletons in the closet?


    i guess it does take a lot of courage

    but if you really love someone, you give that person a chance to make a decision based on the truth.

    yun lang naman po :blush:

  3. Being alone doesn't mean sadness.


    am pretty sure ... when you say freedom it is not in the sexual sense.


    if it is, i think it is a very sticky situation. if both are aware of other arrangement, makes your relationship a honest and open one.


    but ... will it lead to fights ? or tampo ? 

    pasimple, it's all the matter of how you say it or how you explain it. still for me, honesty is the best policy... being true to what you feel is very important, masaktan na ang maskatan, at least you are honest about how you feel and what you think.



    that takes out or develops the maturity in the person. :)

    can't agree with you more sis

    for some reason, i really take comfort in integrity and honesty

    like knowing someone has the guts to tell the truth

    no matter what the other person thinks

    that takes a lot of courage

    and i admire that in a person

    and eventually, you take the person for who they really are

  4. I never 'lose' myself in a relationship. Kaya when the end comes, almost as if walang nangyari... except that I have a lot of free-time all of the sudden.

    and except that since you didn't give as much

    you didn't get as much

    so the question is...

    do you always protect yourself thinking that its gonna end one day anyway

    or do you give it all you've got, relish in the moment, crash and and burn and hope that you will recover again one day

  5. hmmm.. ok.... this is just a point of few.


    Ideally, mas masarap ang feeling pag you are making out with someone you love.


    But I agree with Mike, sex and love are two different things.


    Going to bed with someone doesn't mean that you are inlove or you love that person. There are some "moments" that you just want it, most of the time if you do it, the passion is not the same though


    Pero, if you love your current partner and respects him (am talking about women) she can't afford to sleep around. Not unlike men, lalaki yan e, kahit anong gawin mo, they still have that urge to sleep around, play and flirt and get laid by different women.


    They can take a woman to bed without emotional attachments and be friends after. hope di naman bastard or a**hole ang guy.

    but women have the urge too!

    doesn't mean you love or respect your partner less

    i guess its a culture thing here in the phil

    its more acceptable if a guy behaves this way

    but not so for a woman

    sayang lang.. kasi women can get as much from this type of acceptance as men

    just imagine, having your cake and eat it too!

    you have someone that you love and you can really be with

    and at the same time have sex with someone just for variety

    galeng ano...

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