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Posts posted by mister.jae

  1. hmmm teka lang... :rolleyes:


    Man63 tongue.gif


    the scenario is kinda vague...if ya mean loving someone without wanting her in a sexual way, then that's platonic love...the love you feel for your parents, siblings friends, relatives...for the elder people naman na who can no longer manage the sexual exertions, andun pa mandin 'yung pagka-turn on nila...the mind is the sexual organ that motivates the body...hindi ibig sabihin na dahil ala ng physical intimacy, ala ng libido...


    if ya mean passionate love, the kind of love you feel for a person that moves you in all aspects, mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, then i think it is impossible to love this person without wanting her/him physically as well...


    the lack of physical contact between you two doesn't mean that the longing is not there...maybe, circumstances don't permit the act...he is unavailable/physically incapacitated/or she's/he's sumone that intimidates you stongly...in short, natotorpe tayo...

    but the wanting is still there...only it is not consummated...this kind of love can exist...and what torture it is...you love the other person with your spirit...you put her/him in a pedestal...this kind of love often lasts a very long time before it finally burns out...because there are a lot of repressed feelings involved, a lot of curiosity unsatisfied...a lot of questions unanswered...it would make ya want the person more, make you burn to have her/him more...and makes you love him/her more...


    but you can't...and this is like an addiction...that is very hard to fix...


    unless you fall out of love... :flower:

    i have to agree with goddessa here. the only thing i might add (and i say this respectfully): is it possible your really attracted to the same sex?

    otherwise your trying to achieve a state of unconditional love, by giving and not expecting anything in return. but are you really not expecting?...

  2. Cut the communication.


    She's trying to k*ll herself? She needs psychiatric help, not you. You are NOT responsible for whatever action she takes. You shouldn't feel guilty. She has issues. You may be part of the reason she acts that way, but in the end she's the one who has control over what she does.


    I've been through a dilemma similar to that of the girl. I almost gave up on my BF because of guy #2 (in this case, you). Guy #2 is no longer here. But I am. I'm still alive, breathing and well. I've learned a lot, and right now I can say with utmost honesty that I'm happy with my life.


    Time has been a very good friend.

    i have to agree with irishes. the only person you can control is yourself. if suicide girl's happiness is dependent on you, then she cannot be happily with herself. so how can you be happy, when this is obviously going to be a one-sided relationship, making you feel guilty whenever she plays the life & death card, should you choose to continue being involved with her?... it's a tough call. but not only do you have to make the very same decision, you have to stick-to-it, or suffer the consequences of taking care of someone you are not psychiatrically qualified to take care of...

  3. not really... i just want a fair play on everything.. :)

    i have to agree with "hottiness" here. "mr. monday" even called you out. the fact is: your not yet at the stage where you want to be kept, since you've already said you want to keep your gf (yet you contradict yourself by wanting to keep both), that's why this LDR is working for you. But it's not fair to either of them, so don't be selfish. Give both women the chance to find their happiness with someone else (who is willing to play for keeps), instead of stringing them along. Better to end your relationship with your gf, then you can play the field without this guilt... Perhaps someday there will come a time when you will get tired of all this playing around, that you will get lonely being alone, and realize a lifetime companion is worth it. Who knows, your dream girl may still be there (meant to be). But until that time comes, as "jpads" so eloquently stated: "relationship is a 2 way street! dont expect you other half to be your dream partner kung asal hayop ka!"

  4. "there's no easy way to break somebody's heart" ~ james ingram

    i'd rather tell it to her straight: "it's not working..." for no other reason than respect (for her, the time spent in the relationship, and with each other). then listen to her side of the conversation, to either patch things up, or get final closure (knowing you/both did your best, but it wasn't good enough; see "just once" ~ james ingram); and if both of you are mature enough, even part ways as friends.

  5. it's not the age, but the maturity: i've been with an older (but not mature) woman. who kept asserting i follow her coz she say she knows more...
    but when she's proven wrong, she doesn't even admit it. now i'm attracted to a much younger woman, whose maturity level astounds me!...
    perhaps because she already has a child, and didn't let this world bring her down, but rose above it, so conversations with her are real...
    more importantly, her outside opinion is something i truly value, when i feel stuck, looking for a solution, to my problems. mabait pa!...

  6. Suffering is optional. Happiness is a CHOICE: It's the journey, not the destination. So look for the good in any situation.
    Bring back the interest and wonder of being a child again, and you can be happy... As the "Happiness" song goes:

    Happiness is two kinds of ice cream
    Finding your skate key, telling the time
    Happiness is learning to whistle
    Tying your shoe for the very first time
    Happiness is playing the drum in your own school band
    And happiness is walking hand in hand

    Happiness is five different crayons
    Knowing a secret, climbing a tree
    Happiness is finding a nickel
    Catching a firefly, setting him free
    Happiness is being alone every now and then
    And happiness
  7. if only i knew then what i know now... :rolleyes:

    i wouldn't have stayed in a 5-yr relationship that was doomed from the start (hindi natagal ang "koryente" lamang). :huh:

    lesson learned: which is why i look for the emotional maturity of the lady, to determine if she is a keeper, and if... :blush:
    she values our budding friendship and relationship, to be willing to understand each other, despite our differences,
    then over time, we can be more than friends, and if the feeling is mutual, be committed to work at building a long-
    term relationship, that can last a lifetime (mayroon forever). :wub:

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