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Posts posted by westell

  1. so what am i going to to do with the 10 page questionnaire i just put together???


    yes it matters. i want to know what i am getting myself into. i would ask, i would wonder, and i'd like to know he has balls to stand up for me if anything happens.


    i had a relationship where after sex, would ask me if he did is as good as my ex or if my ex did what he just did. at first it sounded normal until he admitted no matter how good I was to him, he couldn’t remove the thought that I had been with so and so. stupid sick game. unfortunately we share the same friends and get invited to the same events so it’s unavoidable that we talk. we’re ok and i am much calmer when we’re in the same room. helps that i am cuter now than when i was college hahaha!


    nice thread j!


    I think the issue of sexual history is hypocritical to either side. If you're the male, the knowledge of your mate's past would tantamount to retroactive jealousy that some people consider as a natural masculine response. But on the other hand, on the part of the female, it might mean a double standard approach since your sexual past could somehow be interpreted as an unacceptable behavior or, possibly, a moral dilemma--especially in a masculine-dominated culture like ours.


    Sufficing to say, sexual history should not be a point of contention in a relationship, more so, as a basis of argument. Therefore, the knowledge, or lack of, should not be not be an obstacle in going forward. However, whether this could possess a firm hold in establishing a bond between two people or destroy it in the process, is ultimately a personal decision.

  2. i guess we can agree to consider it? it is better than ruling it out.

    you're saying it's a symptom? like a fever?

    No, not like a disease. A disorder. A disease is more physiological, a disorder suggests some kind of chemical imbalance.


    A hypomanic phase following a bout of depression for people suffering from Bipolar Disorder exhibits sexual hyperactivity and, if worse, absence of inhibitions.


    So, there.

  3. Why does sexual history have such a negative connotation?


    It should not.


    However, man is a primordial being, and rational at that--and that sex, as a matter of instinctive act capable of giving distinctive pleasure--bestows an enormous sense of malignity toward what was supposedly 'clean and pure'--in most cases, one's virginity. That one's sexual history, despite being ordinarily fundamental (the act itself), becomes a question of moral consequence.

  4. also...


    isnt history usually used to determine patterns or tendencies?



    This is a very academic response. And I agree.


    As the great historian Marc Bloch says. "If [they] do not take care, there is danger that badly understood history could involve good history in its disrepute".


    Succinctly, history, as it is, being the science of man and society, and the determinant of patterns--is "an endeavor toward better understanding." I am assuming that from this perspective, of how past values affect the present and, consequently, shape the future (in this case, of our current, or possibly potential mate).

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