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Posts posted by olop

  1. This one is tricky, at the moment,I am committed but I have 3 M.U. from the work that I do. they are either single or coupled as well. We both know that we are committed but when we are together we feel something that we dont feel w/ the current partners that we have.

  2. My personal POV on the matter stems from something that was originally posted already. The person is looking for something that the partner can not or will not provide.


    Most of the time, people who pay for sex stems from this core principle:


    The person needs a form of release


    The release be in a form of:

    - The person is lonely.(ofw, single people etc)

    - The partner is not into what ever kink the individual is into. (Curiosity, sexual preferences etc)


    Now will this be considered as cheating is a subject matter for a different discussion. The question of pre-marital sex can be conjugated into this discussion as well but that is a discussion for a different time.


    The service provided by these individuals are integral in my opinion because they can lessen possibility of crime and other form of unwanted behaviour.

  3. I am a subscriber to the saying:


    "Work to live not live to work"


    with that being said, how can you live with out love? work is very important we all know that but dont ever let it come between your love, life, family

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