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Posts posted by performance

  1. A contriversial topic, but nevertheless worth discussing:) Nobody really wants to lose somebody, but who are we to stand in the way of love... or is it just based on seduction... if thats the case, what is love then... are we just merely pressing the right buttons or is there really to be said about a real connection between two individuals.... :hypocritesmiley:

  2. Would you go after somebody who's taken? (Not Married for the sake of Moral Issues)..... This is not about cheating (so dont go after me :P ) What if you meet the right one, and that person already has a boyfriend/Girlfriend? would you go thru it? Are we doing them a favor by testing thier relationship? What are your thought?

  3. Hi! recently downloaded some MP3 over the net. One was a whole album, problem is the whole album is in one single mp3 file. Is there a program that I can use to cut it up, so I can break it into single tracks. PM me....



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