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Status Updates posted by hardstiff_943

  1. Who's watching President Duterte's live broadcast?

  2. Is Terminator Dark Fate any good? Been hearing good feedback about the movie...

    1. big_sean


      Yes, I enjoyed it

  3. So did your choices make it to the senate top 12?

    1. hardstiff_943


      @Starbelle.DaLLas di naman ako tumakbo eh paano mo naman ako iboboto? ;)

  4. Did you guys vote otso derecho?

  5. Happy mother’s day to all mtc moms out there!

  6. Am I that addicted to Avengers? I'm watching it for the fifth time!

  7. I could use some drink tonight...

  8. I was all tears while watching the Endgame... :(

    1. hardstiff_943


      Walang kurapan eh noh... Haha!

    2. 2WarningPoints


      ayaw ko naman ng drama, bukas pa ako nood

    3. hardstiff_943


      @Boyet Sepcial Dad... Magandaparang happy ending lang sa spaks. Lol!


      @Dash_Avalanche daming drama brad... ganun talaga eh. Lol

  9. Avengers Endgame in a matter of minutes.

  10. First time to go on a long drive alone for the long weekend.

  11. Does anyone have an idea where to buy a straight razor? The one barbers commonly use to pattern facial hairs and side burns?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hardstiff_943


      Bumili ako sa Lazada mga brad...sobrang purol. Haha!

    3. 제이크


      ahh dapat may keyword.. SHARP! hehehe.

    4. hardstiff_943


      Now I'm thinking what else can I use the razor for? Maybe for applying spread on my bread. Haha!

  12. If you’re a dude, do you have more female friends than males?

  13. Chubby, curvy and voluptuous ladies are kryptonite to me. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. sOin2you


      Ako? Hahaha... Just kidding. Enjoy your day...

    3. hardstiff_943


      If that's the case, then you don't have to chase me. Haha!



    4. sOin2you


      Hahaha... I don't chase.

  14. Where can I buy shirts that have those classic marvel designs?

  15. I just learned how to do different types of drinks. I feel like changing careers now... a bartender... perhaps. Come try my personalized gin tonic!

  16. I need a drink... a shot of gin perhaps.

  17. Tara movie time and popcorn! Capt. Marvel! :)

  18. Can't seem to figure this one out...

  19. So stressed from long meetings. Who wants to hangout to eat and drink? Sensible conversions would be great to shake off all the stress.

  20. It's tough to be single when you're a male.

    1. Titojunjunnegroni


      Haha and you turned me down

  21. Let's watch The Mule. My treat! :)

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