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👑 Drogo

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Posts posted by 👑 Drogo

  1. it's hard, it makes me weak, sad and vulnerable

    but one thing i can do is that i should love her for what she is, for what she has been through, bad or good, clean or dirty

    and if she is not the right one for me, smile, thank her for all the good memories and blessings she gave me even though its a temporary one, and finally say i wish you well and good luck, i pray you lead a happy, contented and stable life and may god bless you lots :)

  2. Nope, not a fan

    Besides i dont like hiding some dirty deed behind my woman, it could F*CK! up your life (i know because both of my parents were like that in the past, so i learned from them)

    And also if my woman cheated on me, i wouldnt like to take revenge on her, NEVER. It would just cause more and more complications and troubles in your relationship


    So, no thanks

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