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Baby China

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Posts posted by Baby China

  1. From an idealistic point of view it shouldn't be a choice. Ideally good relationship will give you the support you need to succeed in your career and good career will help you with confidence and finances which will improve relationships is your life.


    From opportunistic point of view, since you are interested in women it might be smarter to go for career first since the success in career would most likely improve your overall chances with women, thus giving you better chance of finding a nice relationship. Of course, this doesn't take into account that more choices doesn't necessarily mean that you are more likely to make the right one. Nor does this take care of the fact that during the hardships that you are very likely to face while chasing a career you won't have someone to really lean on.


    From a Buddhist point of view you should appreciate what you've got instead of only focusing on what you can get. We care about all possible outcomes and usually overestimate how bad will something affect us (there have been studies showing this) and somehow, even though the things usually end up much better than we have predicted them to be on average, on those rare occasions when they do end up bad (and that's usually not even the bad as we thought it would be) we still end up being disappointed.

    One way or around, stressing much about the future rarely has positive impact on the current happiness.

    But you can't go through life without trying to predict things? Yes, that's true, but we are usually overdoing it. The happiness always seems to be just around the river band, just as soon as we get to some other thing.

    If you can appreciate present moment then it won't matter that much what's happening to you (obviously, I'm not saying to just sit there and no do anything and be homeless and expect to be happy, but you get the point).


    And we all know which people are the happiest ones. :)

  2. Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are.


    Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossom had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two. ;)

  3. I don't think my list will be very different from the other girls. We all want these qualities in our men. So I'll just go ahead and write down the most important qualities I would want him to have, I am sorry if these are repeated:


    1. Somebody who takes care of himself: Yea, we all know men like to keep it rough. I can absolutely understand what a pain shaving, changing into proper clothes from your boxers or bathing can be, But I would appreciate if once in a while he would take care of himself, wears nice clothes & smells nice.


    2. Somebody who knows the importance of health & fitness, but is ready to dive into a giant pudding once in a while : He should know what's good for his health what not, I would want him to perhaps hit the gym a few times a week or play a sport he loves, But I do not want him to be strict as a gym trainer and not enjoy his life at all.


    3. Somebody who is mature enough to give me advice when I am confused and dis-oriented, but can also be childish enough to pillow fight: He should be wise and mature, and should be able to bring me back on track when I lose direction, But, should be crazy enough to turn into a kid at times.


    4. Somebody who knows what he wants: He should know what he wants from life, personally and professionally and should be determined enough to achieve it. He should be clear-minded and able to make logical and rational decisions when required.


    5. Somebody who can make me laugh: You know how they say, If you can make a woman laugh, you can make her do anything! It's true.


    6. Somebody who can motivate me: Somebody who can stand by me, support me, motivate me to do better. Somebody who can act like an inspiration in times of need.


    7. Somebody who is passionate about at-least one thing in his life: It can be a sport, a career, a hobby. Anything!


    8. Somebody who makes efforts: Effort is attractive. It need not be something big, just small gestures of care and affection, that can make me realize how important I am to him.


    9. Somebody who listens: Sometimes all a woman wants is somebody who can listen, even though we know you can not deal with our problems for us.


    10. Somebody who is not shy of expressing himself: We all know men like to keep it short and simple, but sometimes its important to tell us what you feel, we can not know everything!


    11. Somebody who doesn't give up: On people and relationships as well as goals and ambitions. :)


    12. Somebody who is loyal: Spoil me with loyalty, I can finance myself! :)


    I think that is all :)

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  4. People who are single hate it because it is a reminder of their failure to find someone to be with. People who are in a relationship and hate it do so because they are generally shallow people who hate giving gifts, even to loved ones, or hate feeling pressured to do so by a society standard. Others of course simply hate spending money on other people. ;)

  5. Because women don't care as much about looks as men do.


    Attraction, for men, is very physical, and very visual. That's why men pay money to look at pictures of naked women on the internet.


    For women, attraction is MUCH more complex. Women don't get aroused by photos of naked guys online. In fact, if you look at women's taste in pornography, they tend to consume it in the form of erotic fiction. Think 50 Shades of Grey, or Twilight.


    Why is this? Because women are attracted to the CHARACTER, not the physical appearance. Sure, they like a square jaw or broad shoulders, but this isn't enough to get a woman aroused unless she also knows the personality behind the guy. Is he smart? Does he have an inner strength? Does he WANT her? These are all things that actually turn women on, as much as any physical trait that a man might have.


    One thing I teach guys is that for women, attraction is the feeling of being desired, by a powerful man, who she can trust. If you can hit those three things (power, desire, trust), you can make a woman attracted to you, even if you're not that good looking. And if you fail at providing one of those things, you're going to have a hard time creating attraction - even if you're the hottest guy around. ;) :)

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  6. Kasi naman bro Johnny Blaze nakakabasag talaga ng ego ang katotohanan....

    All of the thing you post are true...


    Kasi naman bro Johnny Blaze nakakabasag talaga ng ego ang katotohanan....

    All of the thing you post are true...


    Nope. His posts are not true. I actually agree with smooth_dawg, why are you here Johny Blaze? You say nde ka interesado. Apparently you disapprove of this kind of setup. If wala ka interest and you frown on a thera-client relationship, why join a forum for people who want to share their experiences? I am a living example of a thera with a successful relationship. Mas complicated yes, but it can succeed. And from what I see, a lot of GMs and some theras here are hoping for the same success story. Why discourage them? Why judge them? Let them have their own experiences. It's their path to take. its their truth to validate. If you can't contribute something meaningful, then I agree, better leave the thread to those who can.

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  7. Did I post that? I merely agreed to it. He was probably saying it since he thought that the people that he argued with were so passionate about their defense of this type of set-up. The context of what he was posting is about the subject matter and not necessarily the economical side of it. Teka, tawagin ko lang para maclarify niya.

    Which is why I asked you the questions. I did not assume that you were referring to me. Just because I am way past that stage does not mean I can't post my opinions here. Non-sequitur.


    Part of the subject matter is the economics. You spend money here so it is a given finances will always be in the discussion. Do not try to twist the meaning of his post because anyone here can understand that he was advocating using the GMs money for other lines of interest aside from spa hopping. That is what I disagreed with because one, he falsely assumed that this vice is their(Vets) only outlet. And second, its their money. Why does he care what they do with their hard earned income?


    Npansin ko sa mga posts mo you get too defensive. Nagkasagutan kau ni Usebyo over a very harmless response he made because you wanted to make a point na hindi ka curious or interested. This thread is about falling for a thera,as the title indicates. If you don't agree to this setup, then I am really surprised you spend a lot of time here. It's like saying dka mahilig manood ng basketball, but inaabangan mo lagi pag pinalabas na sa TV.


    Anyway, its lunch time for me. So ill leave you guys in peace for now. Sa mga co-thera ko, my advise stands. Wag paloko and do not settle. A lot of people can give flowers or stuff toys, but only a few men can really give their heart. Mahirap magka emotion sa mundong to, but since tao lng tau, it happens. I only hope that when it does, it happens to the right guy.

  8. Maybe he thinks that since the GM is too preoccupied with the therapist and spends too much time in spas instead of spending time with hobbies that are beneficial to your health.


    The hobbies that he mentioned are beneficial to the health. Of course, getting a massage and getting a release are beneficial for the health too. But, I guess, what he wants to point out is that getting a hobby is better than getting into a complicated and, more often than not, tempestuous relationship with a therapist, which, I think, would be detrimental to your health given the stress that it causes.

    Understand the context of what the guy said. He said it in the context of falling in love with a therapist and not the economical side of it.

    Who are you labeling envious? Me? Because if it's me you are labeling, I will tell you now that I am way past that stage. Been there, done that. So if it's me you're labeling as envious, check out my previous posts here before labeling me as one.


    Huh?Maybe you should understand the context of what you posted. I quote, "Isama mo pa dyan, wala kasing ibang diversion kundi ang MP, SPA, at KTV. Madami pa dito gusto magmalaki na matagal na sila sa industriya, “veteran” na daw sila. And I am like, if you have that much resources, bakit mo naman lagi ito sasayang in sa bisyo? There are other manly hobbies out there to enjoy. Learn combat sports, join a marathon or a triathlon wag puro bisyo lagi." - he mentioned the consumption of financial resources and how it could be reallocated to other ventures. That refers to the economic side of it. I disagreed with it because I know a lot of GMs who are actually doing that. Some go mountain climbing, some go snorkling, I even know a chess champion. So his line is a hasty generalization,


    Did I say Mr Johny Blaze you are envious? I was referring to the person you quoted and to any GM judgemental of people going to spas. So I was not referring to you per se but if the shoe fits, then go ahead and wear it. Yes, I have seen your previous posts. You even had an argument with Usebyo recently over a harmless remark he made. Why show much interest in this thread? An argument could be made that you have made the most number of posts here, surprising for someone already "way past this stage".

  9. No argument here, ED. Although, it is very blunt, it makes a lot of sense.


    I don't really agree with this. I know some of these "vets" and a lot of them do something with their lives aside from going to spas or KTVs. Some of them are big names in their chosen fields. And its their money, if they choose to spend it that way, then so what? The guy that said funds could have been spent elsewhere smacks to me of insecurity. Baka d nya maaford ang bisyo kaya ganyan nasabi nya. Anyway, this gratification business has survived since ancient times. Not ESPA per se but other forms of physical services to money exchange of goods. So unless the male biology undergoes drastic evolution completely altering their hormonal makeup, then this business will continue to survive.


    If you can't afford the vice, then stop being envious of people who can. Also, as what May said in her previous posts, love can happen anywhere. It's something that you really cannot easily control. I am happy to say I have a very loving BF and we have been at this for quite awhile. He understands me, he nurtures me, he takes care of me the way a real man should. I only hope my co-theras find their own partners who would also love them and take care of them as they deserve,

  10. Yeah that goes for both parties. Kaya nga mas understandable yung situation niyo kasi you dont have the sabihin na natin freedom the GM you want to be with unlike sa amin we have the freedom on whom we want to get, but as far as i see i committed to her, na as much as possible mas maganda outside the spa kasi i really want to know her very well, the real her. Sometimes di maiiwasan na thera thinks ahead regarding yun lang tlga habol ni GM but not all are like that. Im not saying na karamihan.. rare nga lang.. the question to you thera.. how would you know if this guy is genuine or not??


    Time will tell. Thats why I am telling my co-therapists not to be taken right away by flattering words or the usual gifts. Bulaklak, stuff toy...sus. Ways a thera will know a client is real. One, d nya ikinahihiya c thera. He can introduce her sa harap ng friends nya and even better sa family. He has no qualms about inviting her to family events where she can interact with the relatives of the guy. Second, he is willing to help the thera get out of the business. Alam nyo why we work here, its to help our families because we are breadwinners. Hindi maiwasan the GM has to be there in terms of financial support, d kelangan mayaman but the guy should be willing to shoulder some of the load kng mag quit c thera. Third, the GM has a long term plan sa kng ano mangyayari sa inyo down the road. D pde puro pasarap lng, its good to live in the moment but planning for the future is necessary. Dapat maparamdam nya kay thera na kasama cya sa mga plano nya sa buhay. Fourth, that goddamned L word. Its not libog but Loyalty. Never dapat marinig ni thera na nag try ka ng iba. We already have a short supply of trust because of the environment, one mistake could undo whatever foundations both of you have began to build.

  11. This is a good advice.. pero there are times na trust issue pa rin.. what if si GM eh single naman tlga, having a good life that thera have a security of leaving the industry. Pero there are instances na si there tlaga yung may ayaw or she is the one having trust issue kay GM like she's having thought that GM might get another thera.. even though he's not.. so the point is GM is willing to go all through this but si thera ang nagiisip ng mga bagay na hindi naman dapat..


    That goes both ways. Of course there will be trust issues. Alam nyo ang pinasok nyo dba. You are trying to find love sa spa. Alam nyo sweet kami sa madaming clients in 1 day. At least kau GMs may option, you can choose cno gus2 nyo maging thera. Eh kami?Can we choose cno mkkasama namin for a session?


    My point is, nakita ko na to several times. A GM courts a thera, pretends he is single and her would be savior, but in the end, all he really wanted was free sex. Of course there are always exemptions (like ung isang manliligaw ni May) but these men are a bit rare.

  12. Interesting thread. Even more interesting with the inputs of my 2 former co-theras. Hahaha


    To May/Mavic,


    My unsolicited advise. be very careful on who you give your heart to. Always ask the question why do these GMs like me. Remember, the spa business is very competitive, there are a lot of other theras there who could be prettier, sexier than us and how can you have the assurance that the GMs promising you his heart won't go running to the next fresh face out there? Most of the time, a lot of these clients are very good at the start, but once they get their benefits, that's when things really change. I did not experience that myself, but I have seen it happen to a lot of my closest friends in the spa. Liligawan kuno but being left out in the cold once nagsawa na c guy. After all, there are always a fresh supply of theras coming into the business so meron at meron bagong star thera na darating.


    May, I happen to be a bit updated sa luvlife mo....all i can say is...one of the names being linked to you, all i can say is wow, swerte mo sa knya. He is single,totoong single nde gaya ng ibang manliligaw mo (yes, i know some) na meron mga asawa o jowa. Sana cya na c Mr. Right mo, he is also successful enough in life that he can take you out d2 sa work na to anytime you want to quit. Its your decision of course, but I am just saying why go for a Nokia when you can have an Iphone 7.Lol


    Mga GMs, umayos kau. Some of you are familiar to me and I know some names here who have partners. If you can't respect your own relationship, how can we expect you will respect your would be relationship with a thera?

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  13. I actually have contemplated that question for a long time sir. Will her profession matter? As much as we try to say it doesn't, if you are new to this, its bound to eventually be a factor. How can any sane man sleep at night knowing his GF is making out, being intimate with another guy? It is really an acquired resolve. You have to learn how to accept it and unfortunately, it takes awhile...Now, I am more open minded about these things.I have been exposed to the industry for more than 10 years so I have my experience to fallback on. If I have another relationship with a thera (I'm working on that one..Lol), I learned its best we let them do their own decisions. If they decide to leave the industry, it must be because it is what they want, not because we pressured them to do so. ;)



    Waaaahhh!! Lesluthor is baaaack!!!! ;) Hi bff!! ;)

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