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Posts posted by Glenn.Rhee

  1. Simple walk with coffee


    You like to keep things simple for the first date, a walk in the park with a cup of coffee or tea does wonders in your opinion. This gives you plenty of time to not only work up a sweat/get some exercise (if that's what you're looking for), but also gives you a great opportunity to get to know the other person. Depending on where you live you can stop by and grab a hot dog or an ice cream from a local stand or shop. This is also a great first date for those of you who have a date before 3:00pm. Throw on some comfy shoes and grab your mug!

  2. http://natures101.blogspot.com/


    Thriller Reader
    A methodical, predictable read isn’t for you. You love books that you simply can’t put down, and the bigger the twist at the end, the better. You want something that is completely exhilarating, a book that makes your pulse pound. You love to try to figure out what will happen next, but you are most drawn to the books that keep you guessing.
  3. The Moon

    By Stalker X


    Hey Baby, Look at the moon

    It shines bright for us

    Hey Baby, Look at the moon

    We share though apart


    Hey Baby, look for the moon

    It's there we know

    Hey Baby, look for the moon

    Like our love years ago


    Hey Baby, look for love

    Like we looked for the moon

    Hey Baby, look at love

    Adore To Hope Ever Now Again

  4. well it depends.
    on BLIND DATES: probably not, but if the feeling is mutual why not?
    on REGULAR DATES: probably yes, especially if I am courting her for quite some time.

    ang mahalaga naman ay dapat mutual hindi pinilit. ang medyo alangan pa ako kung sex on first date. that is a sure no to me on first dates.

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