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Status Updates posted by LunarSun

  1. Ang taong todo sinungaling, sa impyerno ang bagsak :)

  2. Happy new year to everyone!

  3. The less you care, the happier you'll be.

  4. Araw araw na lang...

  5. So cold, so lonely. I need someone's warmth :)

  6. Sleeping beside my miss sungit. Best ever :)

  7. Pagod na ako.

    1. LEILAđź’‹


      Pa massage ka lng.. mawwla yang pagOd na na yan. Hehe :)

    2. LunarSun


      Hindi ata matatanggal ng massage lang itong pagod na ito

    3. LEILAđź’‹


      Awww :( mukang hugOt yan ahh.


  8. Every action has a consequence. Face it

  9. Yung priority pa niya ang feelings ng iba kaysa sayo. -_-

  10. Tolerance is never the same as acceptance.

  11. Not everything is about you.

  12. TWD!!! oh noooooooo

  13. Drifting away.. thank you for giving me the push everyday!

  14. Hurt someone too much for no good reason and they probably won't go back.

    1. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      there's never a reason that gives anyone the right to hurt another person. hurt anyone and that person would flee and never return much less even look back. good morning. #lifelessons

    2. LunarSun


      Maybe nagpapakatanga lang kaya ok lang to get hurt. Or tinatanggap lang because of love.

    3. Queen Darkeinjel

      Queen Darkeinjel

      maybe. but still for some, instincts would kick in, eventually. self preservation, fight or flight, etc.

      for those who choose to stay and get the same treatment over and over, something's wrong there. where's the thing we call self respect? just my thoughts...

  15. Your hair, it's everywhere, screaming infidelities, and taking its wear

  16. Can someone tell me how to NOT care so much?

    1. ARIESđź’‹


      madali lang yan paps. take it from me. kailangan mo lang magalit. dun mag uumpisa yan. bata kung ano sinabi ni Yoda tungkol sa path patungong dark side. or kung hindi ka star wars fan, youtube mo lang edu manzano berserk. solb ka dun

    2. LunarSun


      Haha sabagay tama yan paps. Medyo nafefeel ko nga.

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