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Posts posted by cinnzeo

  1. mga sir, i need help. just bought a new pc. problem is....most of the new pc games available won't run. error message that comes out is either: 'cannot run program, make sure video card and drivers are compatible; the other is....something like failure directx3d8 and make sure you have directx 9.0c installed.



    i dont understand, when i run directx diagnostics wala naman problem. it says nga that i have directx 9.0c installed.


    here's yung specs ng pc: asus p5l-mx motherboard, sparkle geforce 8500GT 512mb 128bit video card, 1gb ddr2 667, my os is windows xp pro sp2 na may built-in directx 9.0c


    i tried disabling the video card and used the built in graphics ng motherboard, same message lumalabas. so i guess na wala sa video card ang problem.


    any other ideas? btw, my os is pirated. pero other older games walang problem.

  2. hope anyone can enlighten me: i'm about to buy a new pc this weekend. i'm planning to buy intel core 2 duo E4400 (2.0Ghz, 2mb L2 cache, 800mz FSB. pero may nakita ako intel pentium 4 631 (3.0Ghz, same lang L2 cache and FSB speed) can i still play the latest games for the next few years? kasi worry ko 2.0Ghz lang yung speed ng core duo. any info? thanks very much. and by the way, ok na ba inno3d 8500GT 512mb na video cards? medyo tipid lang kasi.

  3. surely you'll lose weight pero be very very careful...the damages it will cause to your system will not be apparent until a few years after when your body gets sick...no right minded physician will recommend such diets as the y go against the principles of physiology and biochemistry in maintaining healthy cells and organs

  4. hehe vitiligo is a skin problem :P


    maraming causes ang vertigo. pwedeng due to decreased cerebral circulation , pwedeng internal ear infection (beyond the tympanic membrane aka ear drum), pwedeng hypersensitivity ng hair cells sa semicircular canal (these are the sensors that gives you your position sense), pwedeng due to hypertension.


    the way to treat it can be investigative. rule out one possible cause after the other. a good way to start is when a physician thoroughly asks about your history. and gives you a thorough physical exam. kahit an ent specialist should do that to patients with that kind of complaint :thumbsupsmiley:

  5. i once injured my chin nung tumama sa handle bar ng treadmill. i was running at an angle of 30 degrees in prep for my upcoming climb when the machine jammed. i forgot to get off the machine asap when it suddenly started running again. haha i slid off to the floor. lucky day for me i just had a contusion. a laceration could be worse.

  6. if you really are into exercise but doesnt have the time to go to the gym, there is another way. i've suggested this to my friends and it worked for them. you just need discipline and commitment.


    buy a stationary bike. nowadays it'll cost you 5-7k. pero it's worth your investment. buy the ones with a calorie counter/distance/time display. it's the easiest to do. you position it in front of the tv set and get on with it. 30mins a day is reasonable. u can do it in the morning b4 breakfast or at night. my friends liked it so much that they are now using it 45-60mins a day. they've lost weight. syempre you should also watch your diet. nothing in excess.



    for the guys, you can add some weight lifting at home. just need to buy some dumb bells with interchangeable weight.

  7. Guy's I realized that everytime I have my BP checked, it registers above normal...  Lagi na lang high... I'm only 29yo but my regular BP is 130 over 90 or 130 over 100.. I also notice that my migraine had been frequent lately...

    I'm a gym buff kaya medyo nagtataka ang trainor ko kung bakit mataas pa rin ang dugo ko... ANy suggestions my dear health professionals? :(  :(



    vanillasky, don't worry about your BP. it is still considered normal. when do you usually get your BP taken? kung late in the afternoon or after gym or any stressful activity, then it is expected in some people to have slightly increased values. With regards to your headache, has it been diagnosed as 'migraine'? the pain and discomfort that arises from it may also increase your BP.


    Well, for the migraine (as you have said), or headache, the medications are almost the same.....Painkillers. For starters you can try Mefenamic Acid 500mg (try ponstan SF it works fast, around 15-20mins). If it doesnt work for you, you can try other pain relievers (diclofenac, celecoxib) with care. But if you are really bothered, i suggest you see a neurologist. At least you'll really know if you are dealing with migraine or just another type of headache. I won't say anything more 'coz i might cause you to worry more. just go see a neurologist ok? you'll be better afterwards. :)


    For your concern about your BP. If there are people in your family tree with hypertension, you are at risk of having it too (but still, you might not). It doesnt hurt if you'll have daily BP monitoring (morning/afternoon) and have it recorded. even if you have your systolic pressure is >130 but <150 or diastolic pressure >90 but <110 you still need not worry about it. you just have to go see a doctor for you to have your hypertensive work up. Usually for this stage of hypertension, diet modification for 6months is advised. there's no need to take medications at this stage, unless there is really a problem.


    so pare, go see a neurologist for your headache. then ask about your BP. para you'll have peace of mind ok? hope i am able to help.

  8. for those of you who plan to take diet or fat burning pills to reduce weight or body fat, please think rationally first. there is no wonder pill in the world that will work like magic or that seems effective without side effects. most of them causes the person to have steatorrhea or fatty stools. some give you palpitations, headaches and the like. it depends on a person to person basis. one popular agent is xenadrine which you can buy in GNC or other specialty stores. it increases your metabolic rate, and in many people...increased heart rate and palpitations (which may be dangerous). there are also popular diet pills coming from china or other parts of asia that works like xenical. it seizes the fat in what you eat and helps you pass it out. problem with that if you are a chronic user, you are at risk of developing vitamins A,D,E,K deficiency. why? these are fat soluble vitamins, they need fat in you diet to be absorbed by your body.


    my advice to those people who still want to take those pills....go ahead so long as your careful and rational. exercise and a hypocaloric diet is enough until you've reached your desired weight. then you can eat anything u want (in moderation of course) but still maintain the rate of exercise you have. you'll see. try it.


    be realistic with your weight loss regimen. in the first few weeks, you'll see several pounds lossed but it will soon taper off to a regular value. it some people a pound or two a week. dont despair, dramatic weight loss is not good. so guys, discipline and commitment lang =>


    *this is mostly my opinion based on experiences with my own patients. if there are any violent reactions, please feel free to let me know. i might learn something from you :lol:

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