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Posts posted by whackpter

  1. What if instead of asking her to take care of your friend, you went on and asked her if she would like to formalize your relationship, what could have happened? What if she felt slighted when you asked her to do it, and was initially crying from inside because she thought you had something true going on. And that though she was half hoping that your relationship was real, she too was testing you. And that since many may have given her the hope of a better life but ended up leaving her, she was making sure she wouldn't get hurt anymore so she, though expecting the worst was hoping for the best. And that that night, she got the worst? What if lang.....

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  2. If the feelings are real, go! Now if you have the littlest doubt, no. Because if later on you get into a fight which is normal for all married couples, the fact that she used to work where she is working now will most likely come up and it is unfair for her because you took her in with full knowledge of what she is doing now.

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  3. Nice to read comments about pyramiding from people who don't have an iota of knowledge on the topic they are discussing. And prices are high if it is pyramiding. That's so laughable. I used to take Norvask when it was new in the Philippines. They were selling it at 40 pesos per tablet. Do you know how much it costs in India? Same company, same product, same everything. The price is almost one tenth the price here. And now, the price is even less than two pesos per tablet for amlodipine. Outrageous pricing? Hell yes! Did anyone call them pyramiding? No. So is pyramiding about the price markup? No. So when do you call a company a pyramiding one? Would you like to know?

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