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Status Updates posted by X.x

  1. Those who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. X.x


      Dance like you own the dancefloor. Hehehe


    3. benfolds5


      When you dance, I wish you a wave o'er the sea, that you might ever do nothing but that. :)

    4. choco_nico_retired


      My heart dances to the music of my mind, to the beat of my body and to the tempo of my soul.

  2. To think is easy. To act is hard. But the hardest thing in the world is to act in accordance with your thinking.

  3. Ugh! Black out.

  4. Ugh! So sleepy. -_-

  5. Weather, you make me sick. ugh

  6. What goes around comes around. :)

  7. What if... Pokemon lang ang kaya nyang i-catch? #nabasakolang

    1. benfolds5


      He still would be the very best, like no one ever was...

  8. Whatever you love, that is your weakness.

  9. When someone pisses you off but you have to act normal and fine because everyone thinks you're good enough to entertain sh*ts. Haha! #pressuredtobegood

    1. benfolds5


      The burden is always on those who know better...hope incident doesn't ruin your week (don't let it!)

    2. X.x


      Thanks sir Ben. Have a nice day po! :)

    3. rskix


      stay classy

  10. When someone tries so hard to disturb your inner peace, rest assured you've already rattled theirs. ;)

  11. Why is everybody so serious? Acting so damn mysterious? #pricetag

  12. Will be coming back to theatre world real soon. Excited to see my comrades again! Yeyeyeyeyey.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. X.x


      Somewhere in Makati lang. We're still rehearsing for our next stageplay. :) Do you act too?

    3. HateEternal


      This is nice!!!

    4. X.x


      Thank you sir HateEternal. How about you? What do you do?

  13. Youthman step out inna babylon face. Spliff in a we mouth and the chalice we ablaze! Smoke #&*$@ we get so high like birds in the sky we fly. Perfect song for me right now! Feeling ko nkalutang ako sa ere kasabay ng cabinet na sumasayaw.

    1. SiLvErClAw


      ayun lang.... di na naman makatulog?

    2. choco_nico_retired


      Hehe. Pag nasa piling kita, makakatulog ka ng mahimbing. Nyahahaha

    3. X.x


      SilverClaw: Nakatulog na ako ng ilang oras. Pero antok pa rin!! Hahaha.


      Prop-L (former Choco.Nico): Bes, hwag ganern. Hahaha!

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