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Posts posted by Unwritten

  1. The term "Your reputation precedes you" has a ring of truth in it. Wherever or whatever job you start with, In any profession/career or industry,  do your best and strive to add to your skill set and build a strong foundation you can set your  ladder to success on while always looking ahead and planning for your next step.    

  2. Dearest whose name is writ on water,


    And as water you ebb and flow with the tide.

    May the currents bring you to warm and welcoming shores that one day you can call home.



    An island somewhere...

  3. " the sweet converse of an innocent mind,

    whose words are images of thoughts refin’d,
    is my soul’s pleasure; and it sure must be,
    almost the highest bliss of human-kind"


    -John Keats

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  4. Dear Lady,


    A PM, a message, a call, or even an IM, no matter how insignificant it may seem in todays social-media crazed world, is something i truly cherish.

    It may be a small thing but such Thing Of Beauty Is A Joy Forever".


    Yours always,


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  5. COVID-19 , as bad as it is, facilitates natural selection where organism who learn to change and adapt to the new landscape not just survive but thrive.

    Of course, this is all but my own personal opinion.

    - Keep safe everyone and my utmost sympathy goes out to those who have been severely impacted by the pandemic.

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